Thursday, August 23, 2007

Painkillers Before Wax

We must say something.

Canadian soldiers bury the first victims Quebec ordnance in Afghanistan. Public opinion "does not include" political-military issues, say the pro-Canadian politicians guerre.Tout everyone knows that people who criticize political decisions democratically voted "no understanding". This is a pre-recorded cassette political heard a thousand times

Russians massacred the Chechen rebels. The U.S. military massacre the Taliban and Iraqi protesters. Chinese massacre in Tibet. Having received the approbatour U.S. government, the Israeli army bombed civilians not militarized. It crushes the innocent civilians. It passes over the bodies of men, women and children with tanks. It cleans everything with mastodons, large bulldozers to clear all traces of the carnage.

Journalists, comfortably installed in newsrooms, commenting on the exploits of military operations to "cleanse" the rebels, cleaning fanatics and the Taliban. Acts of barbarism. If two Canadian soldiers returned in a coffin, journalists feed on those headlines. They interview members of the bereaved family and friends of victims. The reporters never speak of the number of innocent Iraqi and Afghan operations bombed during "cleaning". Barbaric acts. And military strategists policico-wonder why the suicide bombers and fanatics blow themselves up in the public square, in front of mosques in Afghanistan, Iraq. The "crazy fanatics" leave on the up bloody pieces of their corpses avecet parts of tens, hundreds injured shredded.

course, at the foot of the Statue of Liberty, near New York, there will always come to greet respectfully pious American bravery of soldiers killed to proudly defend the U.S. before the fanatics do attaquenet.

All of us who "do not understand," we must say something. Courageously. Say that politicians do not comprent is wasting our time. We must tell them what we think. Must take to the streets if necessary.
off peacefully in the streets to demand their resignations. Down the street, without violence or acts of barbarism. And say "ENOUGH!"

say enough is enough. ENOUGH! This is possibly the only way to make them hear the voice of public opinion usually silent.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Foto Mucus Egg Soiled Underwear

The joker laughs at his wildcards.

Just a joke. Just joke quickly. Maybe? two jokes to amuse us a little before the postmortem Comedy Festival 2007.
Just for fun, just for laughs, as proposed by Gilbert Rauzen. Just to laugh with with Gilbert Rozon del. Just a thought satirical offered free to the boss's comedy festival.
Let's say the boss repeats these days reporters that the mayor of Montreal lacks vision. It appears that Gilbert was also the view optométricalement embouillée critical when the refusal of Mayor Gérald Tremblay to renew the generous subsidies from taxpayers Montreal. The boss of the Comedy Festival has carried the concept of the show "Just for Laughs" at Toronto. The problem, if there is that Toronto Manager there organize the festival without government funding municpaux without the help of provincial GOVERNMENT or the Big Government of Canada.
no subsidies at all, Mr. Rozon.

- How to achieve this feat, requires a comedian on one of the Toronto scene?

- This is not complicated Mr. Rozon says the comedian, mimicking a conversation with Gilbert.

- In Montreal, we can organize the annual big show without government funding, says with a grin, comedian
succession. The young comedian

adds that the budgets of Montreal are like balloons full blown.
In Montreal, when it takes a sound engineer, the boss Rozon hired four engineers. Sound engineers hired three friends each technicians. Sound technicians, not knowing what to do to justify their fees, Chaun send 300 letters to Madame Mayor Gérald Tremblay to thank her laugh every farce comedians. Sometimes Mrs. Gerald Tremblay to laugh with a small delay of six seconds after smiling shyly stuffing and wild European and Quebecois comedians. Jetlag oblige. Spectators not catching all four levels of humor comedians from Paris, the French star comedian-repeat: "The Joker laughed."
Standing ovation! Yes my friends. Six-minute ovation. The joker laughs
French! The rice is cooked through and past the mixer. Spectators are cramping. The pranks have spent the ramp.