Le Premier ministre du Canada, l'Honorable Stephen Harper, marche sur l'ombre du Président des États-Unis d'Amérique.
Quand Georges W(ar) Bush va en guerre, Stephen Harper s'en va en guerre.
Quand Georges War Bush reçoit le Dalaît Lama à Washington, Stephen Harper recoit le Dalaï au parlement canadien.
Le Premier ministre du Canada a donc remis au Dalaï devant les caméras television, of course honorary. Advertising préélectroale forces. The Right Honorable Prime Minister of Canada presented an honorary GC, meaning Great Canadian.
So the Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama XIV, is officially named GREAT CANADIAN. And he who walks beneath the shadow of GWB is automatically named GC, named BIG CON. That is basically what they say in the corridors of parliament.
The Chinese army has destroyed over 1.2 million Tibetans since the invasion of Tibet by soldiers fanatics GRAND MAO
Curiously, neither the U.S. nor Canada are gone military support, with courage, Tibetan insurgents to hand over, before international television cameras, the red and white flag with a maple leaf flag of Canada and the "U.S. democracy", as they had orchestrated the show publicized in Baghdad After the fall of Saddam Hussein and the destruction of Iraqi chemical weapons. Our Canadian military strategists they feared the reactions of the Chinese army crushed with tanks unarmed Chinese students at the Place Tienanman?