Article 9.5 of Directive 2002/53/EC of 13 June 2002 on the Common Catalogue of varieties of agricultural plant species (6) requires two things:
"States shall ensure that the GM varieties that have been accepted are clearly indicated as such in the catalog varieties. They also ensure that any person marketing such a variety clearly indicates in its catalog that the variety is genetically modified. "
a GM variety entered in the Official Catalogue Member States must be clearly marked as such. This is the case today. But Member States must also ensure that "any person marketing such a variety clearly indicates in its catalog that the variety is genetically modified." This is not the case in France today: no statutory or regulatory requirement that transposes French.
Decree of 18 May 1981 on the marketing of seed (last amended by the Decree of March 19, 2007) (7) merely states in Article 12, that "for seeds and planting genetically modified, a label that clearly indicates the variety has been genetically modified." Labels include this reference, but not the seed catalogs. But farmers are on their order catalog.
For farmers to make informed choices and also to implement Article 9.5 of Directive 2002/53, the French law should require that the seed catalogs indicate that a variety is GMO. For this, an additional paragraph could be added to Article 12 Decree of May 18, 1981:
T ny person marketing GM variety should clearly indicate in its catalog, and on any media advertising and any charges that the variety is genetically modified .
(2) YieldGard is a registered Monsanto.
(3) A little note says "Ask the good practice guide published by BT corn AGPM.
(4) A small footnote on page 2 of catalog RAGT specified.
(5) Directive 2002/53/EC of 13 June 2002 on the Common Catalogue of varieties of agricultural plant species, OJEU L 193 / 1, 20.07.2002. Available at:
(6) The text is available at: