Opening of a new class
National Education, at the last Joint Technical Committee, confirmed the opening of a new class on the RPI Elincourt / Marest for September 2008.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Congratulations Baby Shower Message
Summary of City Council March 27, 2008 Mr.
Record subject well have heard (it's sometimes difficult):
Council City, 19 H 30 14
present (Mr Dequin abs)
agenda over an addition on the right of first refusal (formal amendment).
1 / municipal committees Constitution: Mr Mayor is the Chairman of each Committee .
MRs MICHEL, TESTED, Dequin, Baillet, MITTELETTE MRS Frasier.
MRs Dequin, Devillers, Mrs GRANGEON, ASSELIN
MRs Dequin, LEDOUX, Baillet, Devillers, MICHEL
MRs Dequin, Baillet, TESTED (Holders)
4 Members elected: Mrs. MITTELETTE, Vanbremeersch, Ms. Frasier, ZNIQA
4 Members appointed by the Mayor, in the week.
Question / Finance Committee: The Mayor says it is not mandatory, so no Finance Committee.
Question / Planning Commission: The Mayor says we can create it when you want.
SIVOM Elincourt / Marest:
Members: MRs Dequin, Hooray
Substitutes: MS Frasier, MR Vanbremeersch
SIVOM Lassigny:
Substitutes: MS LEBLOND, MR Vanbremeersch
Substitutes: MRs LEDOUX, Dequin
2 / Rating delegations to the Mayor.
3 / allowance to the Mayor and Assistants:
Voted unanimously for 80% of the maximum rate.
4 / Street Bridge Works Abbot
Collection of 50 m for drainage of rain water to be carried out urgently. QUOTE
MR Mayor fact response to the letter of Mr Bertrand:
1/The Common always knew the easement on the land built.
2/Non, the PVR has not been passed by the town, so the town must fund.
3 / The proposed development complete? It is expected.
Vote unanimously to carry out the work.
Vote unanimously with one abstention to award the work to lowest bidder.
4 / Ceremony on May 8 in conjunction with Veterans: wine reception and dinner.
5 / Local fair the 3rd weekend of May.
Saturday evening dance
Sunday and Monday rides.
Sunday: Parade of Cheerleaders Coudun
Monday, after 17 hours, shooting contest
6 / Right of first refusal: preemptions on the areas U and UA.
7 / sewage treatment plant at Long Pré: The Mayor has appealed to legal advice: the station is on council land.
8 / The path between two ponds, the castle is communal: the project to achieve a way.
9 / Roadworks for the last home of Maladrerie Street: draft guide stormwater until the D 142.
10 / Update on the maintenance of the Rhone he: subsidence, pruning
11 / Deterioration of the road after the D Street CHOQUET by the farmer (evocation)
12 / Flea of ELINCOURT of 12 to 10 p.m.
13 / visibility and positioning of the stop sign Rue du Rhone he, proposed remediation.
Meeting for Budget, April 9 to 19 hours.
Meeting adjourned at 21:30.
Record subject well have heard (it's sometimes difficult):
Council City, 19 H 30 14
present (Mr Dequin abs)
agenda over an addition on the right of first refusal (formal amendment).
1 / municipal committees Constitution: Mr Mayor is the Chairman of each Committee .
MRs MICHEL, TESTED, Dequin, Baillet, MITTELETTE MRS Frasier.
MRs Dequin, Devillers, Mrs GRANGEON, ASSELIN
MRs Dequin, LEDOUX, Baillet, Devillers, MICHEL
MRs Dequin, Baillet, TESTED (Holders)
4 Members elected: Mrs. MITTELETTE, Vanbremeersch, Ms. Frasier, ZNIQA
4 Members appointed by the Mayor, in the week.
Question / Finance Committee: The Mayor says it is not mandatory, so no Finance Committee.
Question / Planning Commission: The Mayor says we can create it when you want.
SIVOM Elincourt / Marest:
Members: MRs Dequin, Hooray
Substitutes: MS Frasier, MR Vanbremeersch
SIVOM Lassigny:
Substitutes: MS LEBLOND, MR Vanbremeersch
Substitutes: MRs LEDOUX, Dequin
2 / Rating delegations to the Mayor.
3 / allowance to the Mayor and Assistants:
Voted unanimously for 80% of the maximum rate.
4 / Street Bridge Works Abbot
Collection of 50 m for drainage of rain water to be carried out urgently. QUOTE
MR Mayor fact response to the letter of Mr Bertrand:
1/The Common always knew the easement on the land built.
2/Non, the PVR has not been passed by the town, so the town must fund.
3 / The proposed development complete? It is expected.
Vote unanimously to carry out the work.
Vote unanimously with one abstention to award the work to lowest bidder.
4 / Ceremony on May 8 in conjunction with Veterans: wine reception and dinner.
5 / Local fair the 3rd weekend of May.
Saturday evening dance
Sunday and Monday rides.
Sunday: Parade of Cheerleaders Coudun
Monday, after 17 hours, shooting contest
6 / Right of first refusal: preemptions on the areas U and UA.
7 / sewage treatment plant at Long Pré: The Mayor has appealed to legal advice: the station is on council land.
8 / The path between two ponds, the castle is communal: the project to achieve a way.
9 / Roadworks for the last home of Maladrerie Street: draft guide stormwater until the D 142.
10 / Update on the maintenance of the Rhone he: subsidence, pruning
11 / Deterioration of the road after the D Street CHOQUET by the farmer (evocation)
12 / Flea of ELINCOURT of 12 to 10 p.m.
13 / visibility and positioning of the stop sign Rue du Rhone he, proposed remediation.
Meeting for Budget, April 9 to 19 hours.
Meeting adjourned at 21:30.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Attractive Penis Vedio
The case Kokopelli
About Kokopelli case: the Judgement of the Criminal Chamber of the Court of Cassation rendered January 8, 2008 has been posted on the site legifrance: click here.
The Case IS Kokopelli published online in French: link
What To Write To When Someone Had A Baby
Hooray elected Mayor of Elincourt
Saturday, March 15, at 10 hours, the new Municipal Council met to elect the Mayor and Deputy.
Elected Mayor: Mr. Hurray (candidates: Mr Hooray)
Elected 1st Deputy: Mr. Devillers (Mr DEVILLERS candidates, Mr MITTELETTE)
Elected 2nd Vice President: Mr. TESTED (TESTED Mr candidates, Mr MITTELETTE )
Elected 3 rd Vice President: Mr. Dequin (Mr Dequin candidates, Mr MITTELETTE)
A fourth was elected Deputy: Ms. Asselin (Ms. ASSELIN candidates, Mr MITTELETTE)
Saturday, March 15, at 10 hours, the new Municipal Council met to elect the Mayor and Deputy.
Elected Mayor: Mr. Hurray (candidates: Mr Hooray)
Elected 1st Deputy: Mr. Devillers (Mr DEVILLERS candidates, Mr MITTELETTE)
Elected 2nd Vice President: Mr. TESTED (TESTED Mr candidates, Mr MITTELETTE )
Elected 3 rd Vice President: Mr. Dequin (Mr Dequin candidates, Mr MITTELETTE)
A fourth was elected Deputy: Ms. Asselin (Ms. ASSELIN candidates, Mr MITTELETTE)
Indian Sari Blouses Designs
Elincourtoises, Elincourtois,
The municipal largely mobilize voters (74% of voters) and led to the election of the list led by Jean-Claude Hooray.
Good luck to this team for the exercise of its mandate.
I warmly thank the 214 voters (46%) who gave me their votes, their confidence, support.
Our team did a great job, research, documentation studies for the construction HQE standards of a school in the village.
Technical studies, visits to treatment plants of different types, led us to prefer a treatment project wastewater lagoons.
We were ready to build the future of Elincourt, as a citizen with you.
What I take from this campaign is the wealth of human contacts, high quality of our project and our commitment to openness.
elected I hope the list will be based on our proposals for the next six years and may follow his program: to control development and preserve the environment with good financial management.
Elincourt voted and must now regain its cohesion, its unity, for the good life for everyone.
I extend to all and all the best expression of my feelings.
Elincourtoises, Elincourtois,
The municipal largely mobilize voters (74% of voters) and led to the election of the list led by Jean-Claude Hooray.
Good luck to this team for the exercise of its mandate.
I warmly thank the 214 voters (46%) who gave me their votes, their confidence, support.
Our team did a great job, research, documentation studies for the construction HQE standards of a school in the village.
Technical studies, visits to treatment plants of different types, led us to prefer a treatment project wastewater lagoons.
We were ready to build the future of Elincourt, as a citizen with you.
What I take from this campaign is the wealth of human contacts, high quality of our project and our commitment to openness.
elected I hope the list will be based on our proposals for the next six years and may follow his program: to control development and preserve the environment with good financial management.
Elincourt voted and must now regain its cohesion, its unity, for the good life for everyone.
I extend to all and all the best expression of my feelings.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
South Park Streaming With Subtitle
Tomorrow, voting
Elincourtoises Dear, dear Elincourtois,
the eve of the vote so you have the choice between Mr Hourriez and his attacks on the person and the team ELINCOURT DESERVES OUR COMMITMENT bearing a future project for our village.
tomorrow, with you I trust,
Elincourtoises Dear, dear Elincourtois,
the eve of the vote so you have the choice between Mr Hourriez and his attacks on the person and the team ELINCOURT DESERVES OUR COMMITMENT bearing a future project for our village.
tomorrow, with you I trust,
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Low Alt Low White Ang High Mono
Madame, Mademoiselle, Monsieur,
9 and 16 March next year we will elect new City Council Elincourt Sainte Marguerite.
is why we have assembled a team of motivated men and women ready to invest in our village.
We want to listen to people, manage our common consistency, transparency for the public interest.
OUR FINDING: The municipality appears to be lethargy
school buildings, childcare (extracurricular), unresponsive, for several years, needs of students and teachers (dilapidated buildings, inadequate, multiple sites, lack of security ...).
Children should cross the Departmental D589 to enjoy the playground located rue de l'Abbaye!
Road safety as a recurrent theme is still valid. The problems raised by residents concerned have not found answers and are not resolved.
associations have more room available for meetings, sports facilities are in constant degradation: field Tennis is unusable, the local football stadium would require a complete overhaul.
communal buildings suffer from a lack of maintenance. Some grants have not yet been exploited, which may reduce or limit their impact when these works will be programmed. (Eg the school façade of the Abbey Street - 2003)
The lack of anticipation and foresight do not promote recovery of Lands and Forestry (eg poplar).
local finances are not up to the projects announced. What is working capital?
Taxpayers would like to know why the town has donated three acres of wood Land of sources.
Who will fund access to the Leisure Centre?
OUR COMMITMENTS: Clairvoyance, consistency, transparency and fairness.
FOR THAT ELINCOURT can move forward we need:
Launch Project "school group" : nursery, primary, canteen, school care.
New High Quality Environmental standards will Part of our approach.
Wide consultation will be conducted with the people and especially with parents, teachers, the General Council of the Oise, National Education and the Municipality of Marest On Matz.
Implement the proposed remediation expected and desired by the inhabitants.
We will be attentive to the impact of water prices charged to our citizens. Scalable systems will be favored for the treatment of wastewater. (Former lagoons).
Lagathu Virginia, branch manager Rene
Lobert Controller of work in retirement
former alderman
Perroz Navy, leader of society
Jonathan POLLEUR, student BTS
Gerard Poulin, professional beekeeper
Dominique Thiébaut, commercial inspector training
Tucholski Joseph, retired former
Mayor Assistant work
Madame, Mademoiselle, Monsieur,
9 and 16 March next year we will elect new City Council Elincourt Sainte Marguerite.
is why we have assembled a team of motivated men and women ready to invest in our village.
We want to listen to people, manage our common consistency, transparency for the public interest.
OUR FINDING: The municipality appears to be lethargy
school buildings, childcare (extracurricular), unresponsive, for several years, needs of students and teachers (dilapidated buildings, inadequate, multiple sites, lack of security ...).
Children should cross the Departmental D589 to enjoy the playground located rue de l'Abbaye!
Road safety as a recurrent theme is still valid. The problems raised by residents concerned have not found answers and are not resolved.
associations have more room available for meetings, sports facilities are in constant degradation: field Tennis is unusable, the local football stadium would require a complete overhaul.
The lack of anticipation and foresight do not promote recovery of Lands and Forestry (eg poplar).
local finances are not up to the projects announced. What is working capital?
Taxpayers would like to know why the town has donated three acres of wood Land of sources.
Who will fund access to the Leisure Centre?
OUR COMMITMENTS: Clairvoyance, consistency, transparency and fairness.
FOR THAT ELINCOURT can move forward we need:
Launch Project "school group" : nursery, primary, canteen, school care.
New High Quality Environmental standards will Part of our approach.
Wide consultation will be conducted with the people and especially with parents, teachers, the General Council of the Oise, National Education and the Municipality of Marest On Matz.
Implement the proposed remediation expected and desired by the inhabitants.
We will be attentive to the impact of water prices charged to our citizens. Scalable systems will be favored for the treatment of wastewater. (Former lagoons).
We prefer the Régie Communale (lower water prices).
Conduct development of road safety in a very short time, however, consistent with the next yard cleanup.
Re-boost trade by encouraging the reopening of the bakery, promote the creation of a grocery store nearby.
The craft and trade have all our support. The implementation of new activities will be defended.
Restructure Village Square and its surroundings, and take the opportunity to adopt a choice of planting in consultation with local residents.
perennials and flowering shrubs will be preferred for the convenience of our municipal employees and reduce costs (drinking water, maintenance).
FOR ELINCOURT that innovates, we will:
Install youth council to allow our children to take part in the development of the village and discover citizenship.
Create a website "Sainte Marguerite Elincourt" to make available all relevant information and necessary and the minutes of City Council and the decisions taken by the different structures of local authorities.
Develop genuine dialogue and encourage genuine communication or by traditional means (paper documents) or modern (electronic mail).
Make available a computer room and library so that people can familiarize themselves with the internet (job search, writing and sending resumes, ...).
This room will also serve as a forum between youth and elders.
FOR ELINCOURT turned towards the future, we must:
Setting priorities: School Group, Sanitation, Safety Road.
Protecting our water collection wells in consultation with the State Services, the Chamber of Agriculture and farmers to ensure the quality of drinking water.
Stopper damage structures sports and rehabilitation.
Supporting projects restoring small, easy installation files application (Ex: the development of the mill Valois is a project that deserves the participation of the Cultural Services of the Picardy region, the General Council Oise and the Pays des Sources).
Provide assistance to our sports and cultural associations.
We commit to keep the old quarry and municipal ban its operation.
develop our village in a reasonable way to preserve the landscape.
team motivated for the future of Elincourt:
Alain Bertrand, school psychologist
BOUSARD Daniel, a retired truck driver
Dany Chevalier, childminder
Michel COGET, team leader
Annie Delobel, schoolteacher
Lawrence DIDELET Technician methods
Stephanie Godin, schoolteacher
Dankert Knook, a retired internal auditor
former Deputy Mayor for Finance
Conduct development of road safety in a very short time, however, consistent with the next yard cleanup.
Re-boost trade by encouraging the reopening of the bakery, promote the creation of a grocery store nearby.
The craft and trade have all our support. The implementation of new activities will be defended.
Restructure Village Square and its surroundings, and take the opportunity to adopt a choice of planting in consultation with local residents.
perennials and flowering shrubs will be preferred for the convenience of our municipal employees and reduce costs (drinking water, maintenance).
FOR ELINCOURT that innovates, we will:
Install youth council to allow our children to take part in the development of the village and discover citizenship.
Create a website "Sainte Marguerite Elincourt" to make available all relevant information and necessary and the minutes of City Council and the decisions taken by the different structures of local authorities.
Develop genuine dialogue and encourage genuine communication or by traditional means (paper documents) or modern (electronic mail).
Make available a computer room and library so that people can familiarize themselves with the internet (job search, writing and sending resumes, ...).
This room will also serve as a forum between youth and elders.
FOR ELINCOURT turned towards the future, we must:
Setting priorities: School Group, Sanitation, Safety Road.
Protecting our water collection wells in consultation with the State Services, the Chamber of Agriculture and farmers to ensure the quality of drinking water.
Stopper damage structures sports and rehabilitation.
Supporting projects restoring small, easy installation files application (Ex: the development of the mill Valois is a project that deserves the participation of the Cultural Services of the Picardy region, the General Council Oise and the Pays des Sources).
Provide assistance to our sports and cultural associations.
We commit to keep the old quarry and municipal ban its operation.
develop our village in a reasonable way to preserve the landscape.
team motivated for the future of Elincourt:
Alain Bertrand, school psychologist
BOUSARD Daniel, a retired truck driver
Dany Chevalier, childminder
Michel COGET, team leader
Annie Delobel, schoolteacher
Lawrence DIDELET Technician methods
Stephanie Godin, schoolteacher
Dankert Knook, a retired internal auditor
former Deputy Mayor for Finance
Lagathu Virginia, branch manager Rene
Lobert Controller of work in retirement
former alderman
Perroz Navy, leader of society
Jonathan POLLEUR, student BTS
Gerard Poulin, professional beekeeper
Dominique Thiébaut, commercial inspector training
Tucholski Joseph, retired former
Mayor Assistant work
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