Friday, October 31, 2008

How To Flirt With A Scorpion

Thesis: Seeds and right

For information, my theory was right on line (click here ).

Seed Law and

The influence of a dominant economic model on sectoral regulation

Economic models of the "seed sector" are plural. But regulation does not take into account that one of them. His technical rules are directed to meet the specific varieties designed for commercial agriculture alone productivist practices and hinder economic characteristics of parallel models.

This thesis aims to assist in the understanding of those rules unclear, its development, its implementation, its limitations and its consequences, which clarifies the legal context of the industry. On the other hand, it shows that all rules proposed or developed by the regulatory authority are shaped by economic and institutional model prevailing in their own interests and harm to other models. However, il est possible qu’une autre réglementation puisse être élaborée, qui garantisse la pluralité, la viabilité et la spécificité de chacun des modèles concurrents.

Seeds and the Law

Sectoral regulation governed by one business model

The seed supply chain is governed by a variety of business models. Seed regulation, however, is informed by just one single model. Current regulation, in France , is technical and market directing; geared to the specific needs of commercial high-yield agriculture varieties. Such regulation stands in the way of practices typical of other business models.

The aim of this study is to shed light on these relatively unknown regulations. To clarify the legal framework governing the seed supply chain from its draft through to its implementation, while considering its constraints and its consequences. Moreover, this study will show that all regulation planned or developed by regulatory bodies is shaped by the economic and institutional actors of the dominant model in line with their own interests and against the interests of other models. However, alternative regulation Can Be Developed That Guarantees The multiplicity, Viability and specificity of Each Of The Competing models.

I defended my thesis June 17, 2008 at the University of Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne. This thesis has received high honors with the congratulations of the jury unanimously.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

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Evaluation of Community legislation on Article

The Evaluation of the Community legislation On The marketing of seed and plant propagating material has now Been finalized Across And The postponement has-been published is DG SANCO's website [Web site: http: / / / food / plant / propagation / evaluation / index_en.htm ].

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cosmetic Mirror In Desert

Rue 89 about lobbying

Interesting article from Rue 89 on lobbying and conflicts of interest: How to fight against lobbies that beset members , David Servenay.

And a little personal reflection in response to this article.

"There are also significant conflicts of interests with lobbies when they are entrusted with public service by the State.

This is particularly true in the agricultural environment where there significant conflicts of interest (interest general and private interests). For example, in the seed sector, Groupement National Interprofessionnel des Semences (GNIS) has a monopoly of representation in the seed sector in France (there is no form of membership, the office represents GNIS these actors This, incidentally, is in complete contradiction with the principle of freedom of association).

He vigorously defends the interests of private companies are best represented within it from our elected officials and institutions. But at the same time, the GNIS is responsible for public service missions. For example, it provides for the State, control and seed certification in France. However, utilities require strict impartiality to assert the public interest over private interests.

result, lobbyists are not only present to MPs, senators and government departments to influence offered amendments already fully prepared. They are also the stages of the implementation of the texts as they are sometimes responsible for the implementation of these laws or regulations.

Hence the question: do we have the right to delegate missions of public services to interest groups? "