Saturday, September 12, 2009

John Cena A Boxer Man

September 11, 2009 London: SIOE demonstration: police terrorized by contremanifestants Muslims.

The SIOE demonstration against the proposed mosque in London in Harrow.

She had been authorized by the police. But fearing Muslim contremanifestations, at the last moment it was banned and Stephen Gash stopped ...

The police could not prevent the thousand contremanifestants to attack protesters SIOE already present.

A senior police officer told Stephen Gash he did not see one policeman killed.

This video shows that SIOE demonstrators and police were attacked with bricks as dangerous projectiles.

Muslims gathering to Count the SIOE Demonstration Outside construction of the Five Story Harrow Central Mosque

Recall that for this event as all events SIOE:
- SIOE has prepared the peaceful protest with the police, so it is protected
- SIOE slogans admits that anti-Islam and anti-Sharia and the national flags
- SIOE banned all totalitarian symbols (Nazis, Communists, Islamic).

How To Walk Through Walls Pokemon Platinum

August 28, 2008 Copenhagen: Shares

Before The Parliament:
Copenhagen Christiansborg
17.00 - 18.30 h

The event was scheduled before the mosque of Nørrebro, but police said he could not guarantee safety.
The police allowed the "independent" to contremanifester 10 m from the SIOE demonstration, which prevented those who came to join SIOE reach the event and delivered speeches SIOE inaudible.

For one year civil war took place in Copenhagen. The Danes were victims of rape, violence, burglaries committed by Muslims gangsers. Danes were forced to leave their homes because they dared not live there. For example for a week envirion, gang Muslims have practiced throwing acid bombs. One hit a two year old girl, who was hospitalized for severe burns.