England: Jewish leaders denounce SIOE
you read the text below taken from the Bivouac site-id.com
It is sad that the Jewish leaders, instead of informing the Jews, misleading and standing up against defenders who like SIOE always denounced anti-Semitism, supported Israel, and opposes all racism.
Pamela Geller denounces the attitude of Jewish Organizations
For English Melba December 21, 2009
Pamela Geller is an American journalist and founding editor of the site Atlasshrugs.com. Jewish herself, she complains and tries to analyze in this article from American Thinker that we have reflected the attitude of the rabbis and Jewish organizations on the left in England, who refused to lend their support to demonstrations "Stop Islmasation to Europe "SIOE. Just as the Church and Catholic organizations are often taken to task for their cowardice and their caring attitude against the Islamization of Europe, I think it important also to denounce strongly the position of many Jewish organizations, which are by their blindness digging the grave of European Jewry.
Jews who do not support their allies by Pamela Geller
Why do some Jews do not support those who support them? Last week, December 13 held a rally of SIOE Stop Islamisation of Europe [see some photos here], in protest to what can be described like building a fortress in the heart of the Islamic town of Harrow, England.
I urged Jews to attend. Islamic Anti-Semitism is more poisonous and dangerous for Jews than the Nazis. The promise of the Jewish genocide is "sacred" in Islamic texts, like the one where Muhammad says that the end times will not come until the Muslims will not kill the Jews - and the trees behind which the Jews will hide exclaim "O Muslim, there is a Jew behind me, come kill him." 1
SIOE's demonstration was against the construction of a mosque, and on the question of the advance of Sharia and Islamization in the United Kingdom. The SIOE said the words of Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan: "The mosques are our barracks, domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and Muslims are our soldiers ..."
were forbidden at this event: political parties , racist slogans, banners and placards, as well as totalitarian symbols such as swastikas, Nazi, the communist hammer and sickle, the Islamic star and crescent. The initial announcement of the event asked people to bring one thousand Israeli flags, and said: "The SIOE supports Israel's right to defend itself against attempts by Islamists to destroy the Jews." égalemnet the SIOE had called the Jews living in London at a reasonable distance to travel to attend the event, in arguing that "anti-Semitism is preached in mosques across the world and certainly no one in your neighborhood ..."
On 13 December, are non-Jews who protested against anti-Semitism taught in mosques. Education is not anti-Semitic challenged by politicians, the media and the so-called "moderate Muslims". Jews who find themselves once again the scapegoat of the world, can not in good conscience, allow non-Jews protest on their behalf.
But that's what they did. The Community Security Trust, a leading Jewish group in Britain, urged the Jewish community not to support the event. The TSA said in a statement:
"TSA draws attention to the SIOE Islamophobic comments on their website, and like the group of English Defense League (EDL), and the party BNP Nick Griffin they try to win the support of the Jews through pro-Israel statements and anti-Muslim .... A demonstration against the mosque in Harrow under the slogan "Stop the Islamization of Europe" is as stupid and offensive that a demonstration against the synagogue in Harrow, under the banner "Stop the Zionization Europe. ""
Once again the Jews left lying to advance the goals of the enemies of the Jews. Stephen Gash of SIOE replied
"I primary position several times against the BNP and what it stands for election. In my opinion, treat synagogues to mosques is wrong. The day the terrorists come out of synagogues to blow up planes, trains and subways, so we at SIOE, will reconsider our position. In the meantime we will continue to support Israel and the Jews' right to exist and defend itself. "
rabbis also attacked the campaign [of SIOE]. They said the "sole purpose" of SIOE was "spreading hate and fear," and wrote: "We share the aspiration of the Muslim community in Harrow mutual respect for our traditions, learn from each other cultures and other lifestyles, and live together in peace. "
Even abandon Israel Rabbis when things get tough. These rabbis morally sick have lost their instinct conservatin. The Jewish Chronicle newspaper
even went so far as to rejoice at the low turnout for the event. Does the newspaper wondered why so few people attended the event in a city where the majority of [people] do not want this mosque? The majority knows what is happening in their country and the redoubt. But the newspaper did not say the obvious - that people do not go out of fear. [...]
Jewish history is littered with these traitors. The failure of Jews to stand and fight against the "Philistines" of this century, after thousands of years of persecution is difficult to swallow. The death wish of the Jews ... breaks your heart. I ask you: When the Muslim community has she ever interposed against the anti-Semitic demonstrations because "they would create dissensions? Where were the Muslims during the steps where they shouted "death to Jews" throughout the United Kingdom during the defensive operation against Gaza? Where are the Muslim groups and Jewish groups calling for the Koran and Islamic teachings are redacted from the hatred of the Jew?
Jews should have the support SIOE. These cowards are all Jews in jeopardy. If you're too scared to get up, then at least shut up!
Source: American Thinker
Translation extracts bivouac-id.
Other article of Bivouac-id on antisemitism from the Koran and the hadith:
http://www.bivouac-id.com/2009/12/22/hair-les-juifs-est- a-religious-must-explain two-Muslim scholars-a-la-tv /
Hating Jews is a religious duty, explain two "scholars" Muslims on television. By Yann
December 22, 2009
nazislamism The Turk has his head is the Jew. Not Israeli, not Judaism. No, the Jew. Submit it to a stimulus, the nazislamism will respond by his hatred of the Jew. Conditioned reflex. The hatred of the Jew because he was born a Jew, a hatred of evil memory. Why?
Because one of the breasts of Islam is anti-Semitism. A famous hadith declares: "The Supreme Hour [Resurrection] will stand only until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them. When the Jew hides behind a rock or a tree, it will say: O Muslim servant of Allah, a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him. Only Al Gharquad " keep silent because it is one tree of the Jews. " This Hadith also appears in Article 7 of the Charter of Hamas movement democratically elected by a majority of Palestinians.
Yes, anti-Semitism is intrinsic to Islam, and "scholars" Muslims of this issue will make a point of honor to do the demonstration. Peace, love and tolerance, Muslim version means, sweat dramatically throughout this video from a program aired on a TV Islamic Egypt. We're not in 1933 before news of Die Deutsche Wochenschau, but in 2009 an Egyptian television channel. How is this possible? Where are the moderate Muslim protests ™ and "racist"? The beautiful souls and other ailments they bienpensants eye opener?
Worth seeing. In
information, we recommend our post about anti-Semitism in the Egyptian TV, and by example that other video about the edifying.
You will find on the site francophone MemriTV many other video clips subtitled by MemriTV. A site to store your favorites. Video
reported by Salima.