Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Creamy Yellow Mucus After Ovulation

Ciao Bye!

A small word back to wish you sweet ... I am glad that 'our' blog has a new look ... Wow, this is Fresh!

This year, I pass the left hand and the administration of this blog, no longer relative to Carnot. I wanted to wish a very official Although the Association to a great year! Bonne continuation! Continue to post full info ... !

few tracks for ... Back to your reading:
The parents' guide to school on the site of the Ministry
Guide 2010/2011 parents: your child to kindergarten
Guide 2010/2011 Parent: Your child in elementary school

And then a link to the original forum, a wealth of information:
forum Parents / Teachers from kindergarten to Grade

Friday, September 24, 2010

Facebook History Of Logins

General Assembly of School Canteen Association

You are cordially invited to participate to the General Assembly of the Association of Parents (APE) of the school group to be held on Carnot
Thursday 30 September 2010 at 18:00 at the Elementary School carnot
  • Report moral
  • Financial Report
  • Questions various
  • Presentation of candidates to be members of the Board
Vote for approval of budgets, and election of new Council members.
------------------------------ -------------- -

accordance with the Articles of Association, a number of seats to be renewed each year. We invite you to join us.
If you need information in advance about the role of the Board of Directors EPA, or if you want to know the statutes of the association, please contact Aude LEBON:
0616555434 or 0553960751.
It is anyway better than parents who wish to apply (1 stick one candidate per family) shall inform the Board of Directors of the EPA before the General Assembly, or later during their enter the room.
accordance with the statutes, can not be considered members of the Association that parents update their subscription. Only EPA members can participate in the vote, but it is possible to join the evening of the General Assembly in discharging its contribution to the entrance of the room.

Queen Bed Fit Into Cargo Van

: Open House Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday, September 29 from 14H to 18H:

Operation open to the kitchen Agen 1455 Central Avenue du General Leclerc in Agen. The EPA
school Carnot group invites you to go there to share your comments and read the specifications for school meals in Agen.

Milena Velba Sailor Gallery

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