Sunday, February 25, 2007

Fearne Cotton Paramount Comedy Advert

three agreements. What

That three agreements. Plus of course three chords over to tell you "do not make some noise." Only three agreements to change the world. No matter what happens the night, Les Trois Accords are at Bar Chez Maurice for a show in cinquière speed, a good show "well nice". The planters of Saint-Cyrille de Wendover resemble the flower boxes at St. Lazare. A skin is dying and yet, yet, once, sing Olivier, Pierre-Luc, Charles, Alexander and Simon, "this orange has already imposed respect."
The clown-time interpreter said before the reminders that Saint-Lazare, Saint-Lazare is a "great hall, a beautiful room de spectacles au Québec". Si c'est loin d'ici j'y vas. J'y vas pas. Tabarnak, j'y vas Chez Maurice. Tout nu sur la plage du Bar Chez Maurice. Frisez vos moustaches. Y a les chansons du futur, reprises par les gros haut-parleurs. Les "gens rient trop dans la vie, dans la douleur on réalise que tout n'est pas triste". Stop la philosophico-maniaco-dépression. Mon dieu, c'est aussi poétiquement beau que du Shakespeare avant son dernier expir. Y a la "pièce de viande". C'est un nom composé. C'est aussi un non cliché. Bonne fête Stéphanie. La si jolie belle demoiselle en fête pour ses jeunes vingt ans.
Dis, le bac à fleurs, "me reviendras-tu demain"? Un clin d'oeil à Sylvain "Barbara Streisand "over the counter sales of discounted sweaters. Three times three columns of fine reddish light descending from the sky miraculously. Faisceauxs Four blue-sky backstage .. Done mournful poems. Les Trois Accords of alternative titles to their tunes. Ah evening, we talk about things and others. Especially other things. As I killed my cow. How I killed him. Naked on the beach, the fan also spoke alone. I got into my 4 and a half. with a car. Crisse tank! No no! do not take your plane. If we had only three chords for a lot to say ..., Three chords repeated without parrot "REBONSOIR Saint-Lazare". By evening, turnips do cry more. The emotionally unstable smile, all naked on the page. We clap our hands are left worse fucks fucks itself ben démderder with false notes politicens. My god, that it was beautiful in the Shakespeare version hiver2007.
THREE AGREEMENTS love you. Naked on the beach at Saint-Lazare, the swimsuit pastel yellow head is hung from the ceiling on the clothesline. Yesterday you walked barefoot on the Boulevard Saint-Angelique, your shoes slung a guitar over his shoulder, and you tried to scratch yourself. A boyfriend powdered curry his right big toe while leaving the grocery store.
If we only had only three agreements to grant the violin wallpaper sur le bel avion des TROIS ACCORDS, les maîtres du pastiche chanté sautilleraient de joie avec de petits orgasmes sans les granules de Viagra

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Can You Fax At Staples

"c - hard" to get rid! From

Le PLQ invite les jeunes libéronautes à noyauter les blogues durant la campagne électorale. La bloguosphère sera donc elle aussi polluée par les messages politiques et les promesses électorales des rouges, des bleus, des verts, des ADQ et des Québec Slalom de Madame David qui essaiera de passer entre les jambes de Boislair, Charest et Dumont. Les jeunes libéraux sont également invités à participer aux tribunes téléphoniques, aux entrevues à la télé et à la radio.
- Hello sir, hello madam, I am Jean-Sebastien Charest, great grand-son of Daniel Johnson Sr.. I want to talk this morning by the Rolling Stones. Stonent stones do not thaw by bolting the Montmorency Falls. If we, if we vote all the young Jean Charest, we will have two joints each morning before taking the super fine yellow buses. So the boys, the girls ditto, we vote red on March 26.

Blowin 'séparato.
-If we separate the south shore and north shore, between Sept-Iles and Baie-Comeau, we said our magnificent leader Andre Boisclair, who give two glasses of liquid coca young people who voted PQ. I promise man.
young, he does not know if members must vote yes or no in the referendum. If you vote both a little yes, a little no, just maybe yes highlighting with your initials clause just maybe not, maybe yes, maybe yes maybe not we will have a country, a real country ... if Mario Lemieux, I mean if Mario Dumont is plugged up there at the top of the Canadian Parliament. Do not zap
immediately. Quebec youth know slalom slalom. Shalom my brothers. Slavic man. S'lave Women ditto. We all have Slavic roots. Slovaks do not s'lavaient daily, but they knew how s'laver hands. Which is very useful if we want to fight against nosocomial diseases. So if you vote for Québec solidaire, everyone s'laveront hands and party leaders poilitiques them wash their hands, commenting on the reasons why victims of the "C - hard" joined the Great Slave able to Paradise. Not necessary. What is so difficult to manage!. Good
elections at all,
Committee Chairman-Youth Chibougamou North-South.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

How To Install Command And Conquer 3 On Vista

Vallières unforgettable!

There were twenty pennies at the Bar in Mauritius to enjoy the songs of Vincent Vallières. On stage, the space Music Vallieres is a game innovative, creative, a game of complicity with the boys first and the fans in the room. Vallieres quietly mark the spot, sniffing women's perfumes. The song cleverly fixed gaze of listeners. What he is comfortable with his guitar! The first notes announce freedom, free to get wasted on stage. He took off with a familiar song, hummed by fans. He slams his hands above his head, took the guitar in his hands, firmly. Allez hop, which could keep him? The world of singer welcomes the doors wide open cold of life in early February.

Each in his plate, but why So do not we ALL dance, he asks? Vallieres is in Saint-Lazare tonight and glad to be there. He adds mischievously between songs: "This is not because we are at war we're forced to do evil." Vallières, impeccable cast a look toward the guitarist Olivier Langevin. A guitarist with fingers of gold, full connected, that anticipates the musical sounds crazy, majestically performed well. It moves on stage to the rhythms of light out of the depths of hell. We do not play music to forget the wasted time doing nothing. OK, we know! One part "each in his space." We're leaving together. Fans dancers sway their hips, clapping hands. They moderately slow pace to hear what Vallières to sing for them. Yab at the triads. Do we all, musicians. The party is invited to the party tonight with us. If you're in the little fried until morning is music that "buzz" that the guitar is featured in the fries. Tripe not too strong friend.

An elegant lady sells CDs, T-shirts for fans. Both musicians are multi-colored shirts without cored gnagna folklore. The other two musicians donned the black t'-shirts. Vallieres fate guitar fries. He asked for a guitar at the prop. The guitar is finely tuned.

Lets go-s, musicians.

Lets's have fun together with you to Saint Lazare. PHOTOS

; Michel Leduc