Le PLQ invite les jeunes libéronautes à noyauter les blogues durant la campagne électorale. La bloguosphère sera donc elle aussi polluée par les messages politiques et les promesses électorales des rouges, des bleus, des verts, des ADQ et des Québec Slalom de Madame David qui essaiera de passer entre les jambes de Boislair, Charest et Dumont. Les jeunes libéraux sont également invités à participer aux tribunes téléphoniques, aux entrevues à la télé et à la radio.
- Hello sir, hello madam, I am Jean-Sebastien Charest, great grand-son of Daniel Johnson Sr.. I want to talk this morning by the Rolling Stones. Stonent stones do not thaw by bolting the Montmorency Falls. If we, if we vote all the young Jean Charest, we will have two joints each morning before taking the super fine yellow buses. So the boys, the girls ditto, we vote red on March 26.
Blowin 'séparato.
-If we separate the south shore and north shore, between Sept-Iles and Baie-Comeau, we said our magnificent leader Andre Boisclair, who give two glasses of liquid coca young people who voted PQ. I promise man.
young, he does not know if members must vote yes or no in the referendum. If you vote both a little yes, a little no, just maybe yes highlighting with your initials clause just maybe not, maybe yes, maybe yes maybe not we will have a country, a real country ... if Mario Lemieux, I mean if Mario Dumont is plugged up there at the top of the Canadian Parliament. Do not zap
immediately. Quebec youth know slalom slalom. Shalom my brothers. Slavic man. S'lave Women ditto. We all have Slavic roots. Slovaks do not s'lavaient daily, but they knew how s'laver hands. Which is very useful if we want to fight against nosocomial diseases. So if you vote for Québec solidaire, everyone s'laveront hands and party leaders poilitiques them wash their hands, commenting on the reasons why victims of the "C - hard" joined the Great Slave able to Paradise. Not necessary. What is so difficult to manage!. Good
elections at all,
Committee Chairman-Youth Chibougamou North-South.
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