Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Rambo went to Blacksburg. An accident accidental accidentally

Carnage indescribable in Blacksburg. 33 dead. Some students at Virginia Tech tell horror throat. Death overlooking the campus. The bullets whistled over their heads. We hide, if possible. The smartest feign death. They were miraculously spared, as the police ambush. Impotence paralyzes the faculty and students. The police distance and barricaded behind their cars. The students Courrent distraught, disoriented. Ambulances! Policemen direct the safe movement of students, as the HEC and Dawson. At Virginia Tech, they are equipped with a megaphone. Remote communications technologies require. Only parallel coincidence of these dramas red blood, the blood flowed abundantly Polytechnique at Virginia Tech. The sound of bullets was not music tecno. The experts speak on TV for two days. They really do not know what to say. They try different interpretations of the incexplicable, "they say. First conclusions: a "CRAZY" has killed 32 Victims then took his own life. A madman so crazy .. A fool like Marc Lepine, who had left his footprints in HEC quatrorze killing students. Mayor Tremblay offers condolences politically correct. The police did not disclose the list of victims. The experts concluded that firearms are not controlled, are responsible for the carnage. Blackburg is in the dark. Total blackout should say. If one regulates firearms, could we not, in Canada and the United States, prevent the killings? Could we not reduce the number of killings?

ago on TV the killings in Blacksburg. Columbine, Dawson and HEC.

ago also the daily killings in Iraq. Israeli soldiers have razed villages they destroyed several Palestinian neighborhoods. Bombing, machine gun cleaning, demolition of buildings with bulldozers to clear the trail of carnage. U.S. forces and allied forces looted the country of Iraq, the country of Afghanistan.
If there is a Taliban supposedly hidden at the bottom of the village, why not bomb the Taliban, and bomb the village, killing villagers, men, women, children and old people, and of course not forgetting the Taliban, the rationale for the cleanup operation? Attack the tanks, supported by the bombers, and the comings and goings of caterpillar tractors levelers. Must hide the horror before the journalists describe the carnage, television evidence in support. It then invites journalists. The military communications services speak of a clean war. Everything is cleaned. Thoroughly cleaned. Dust. The smell of the corpses disappeared. In three or five days, everything will be cleaned at Virginia Tech.

A young Asian Rambo Korean circulated in Blacksburg. It moved at gunpoint to September 2 millimeters. Tomorrow, or rather in a few days, forget the bloody victims. We add a small paragraph in the textbook American history to refer to the Virginia Tech massacre.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Dutch Master Wholesale


CONCLUSION: the collapse of the Concorde overpass was an accident accidental accidentally. Conclusion sponsored by the sponsors of the anonymous tragedy rail Dorion, October 7, 1966: accident accidental accidentally.

Twenty teenagers have died. Charred, mangled with the remnants of the yellow bus. They were thrown into shambles. At left. To the right. Here and there.

Progress oblige.

Only five victims perished under the rubble of the Concorde overpass, September 30 2006. Thousands and thousands of documents will be submitted as evidence. The more documents, plus professional fees of counsel are paid royally. Professional fees will be sponsored by the honorable taxpayers.

The Commission of Inquiry, said President Pierre-Marc Johnson, "is not a court." It goes without saying that "his role is not to assign civil or criminal liability to any person in particular." Commission of Inquiry "to explore the role of truth, describe the facts."

I believe in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I think also that the "work of the Commission of Inquiry into the partial collapse (emphasis added) of the Concorde overpass in Laval will enable our citizens to regain confidence in their safety when they operate on or under bridges and overpasses in Quebec. " Amen

z-Bring in, bring in the Reports of Inquiry committees. Report of the sponsorship scandal to the Report of tainted blood elapsed irresponsibly, without forgetting the Report of the rail tragedy of Dorion, the recommendation of the Commission President, Pierre-Marc Johnson, is clear. LET'S BE CAREFUL!. If we are careful, it goes without saying that cars motor will not collapse under the viaducts. It is also clear that Canadians will not die because of contaminated blood that teens partying will not die in school bus singing "CC Rider."

add: if there were no overpasses, there would be no collapse, total or partial. There would be no enffondrement viaduct partially collapsed and we could wait, quietly, each home in souahitant that such accidental accidentally accidents do not occur. If there were no transfusions of contaminated blood, there would be no people infected with contaminated blood.

Let's be careful!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Hard Ball In Cat Belly

The mosquito nirvana, as Steffie Shock

Music électroéroticoshock. Steffie was beautiful dancing girls. The guardian angel is probably well hidden there behind the bar scene in Mauritius. Who knows where he is hiding? The fuzzy look a bit lost, so little misguided, Steffie Shock sets red, blue and orange, bright lights that dance well with syncros la musica. The girls dance dance dance dance. The sounds of electric guitars recede on tiptoe to make a little room for the queen of acoustic guitars. There

ten times hundred reasons to celebrate life tonight. It's hot in the spotlight. Steffie off the jacket of the gentleman dandy. Marie-Pier is there. On stage and accomplice elk, Steffie efforts to reach nirvana.

Take me!

Enmène me.

With you I'll go where you like. The fall without a net, okay my love. Wait until first light tomorrow appointed. Today is Thursday. Tuesday? Maybe this would be Friday? On Friday we queue full free on the highway between Montreal and Quebec City Quebec downtown and wayback Tornto and ditto to Saint-Lazare. Landing in Saint-Lazare. At the Bar in Mauritius.

If love is not meant to last, sings Steffie Shock. because it should not be waiting for tanbourines.

Name me "Mosquito."

If you see too little, my friend mosquito, the picnic is on Sunday. Take me on your wing. Do not stop the music. Especially do not stop the music!

Photos Michel Leduc.