CONCLUSION: the collapse of the Concorde overpass was an accident accidental accidentally. Conclusion sponsored by the sponsors of the anonymous tragedy rail Dorion, October 7, 1966: accident accidental accidentally.
Twenty teenagers have died. Charred, mangled with the remnants of the yellow bus. They were thrown into shambles. At left. To the right. Here and there.
Progress oblige.
Only five victims perished under the rubble of the Concorde overpass, September 30 2006. Thousands and thousands of documents will be submitted as evidence. The more documents, plus professional fees of counsel are paid royally. Professional fees will be sponsored by the honorable taxpayers.
The Commission of Inquiry, said President Pierre-Marc Johnson, "is not a court." It goes without saying that "his role is not to assign civil or criminal liability to any person in particular." Commission of Inquiry "to explore the role of truth, describe the facts."
I believe in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I think also that the "work of the Commission of Inquiry into the partial collapse (emphasis added) of the Concorde overpass in Laval will enable our citizens to regain confidence in their safety when they operate on or under bridges and overpasses in Quebec. " Amen
z-Bring in, bring in the Reports of Inquiry committees. Report of the sponsorship scandal to the Report of tainted blood elapsed irresponsibly, without forgetting the Report of the rail tragedy of Dorion, the recommendation of the Commission President, Pierre-Marc Johnson, is clear. LET'S BE CAREFUL!. If we are careful, it goes without saying that cars motor will not collapse under the viaducts. It is also clear that Canadians will not die because of contaminated blood that teens partying will not die in school bus singing "CC Rider."
add: if there were no overpasses, there would be no collapse, total or partial. There would be no enffondrement viaduct partially collapsed and we could wait, quietly, each home in souahitant that such accidental accidentally accidents do not occur. If there were no transfusions of contaminated blood, there would be no people infected with contaminated blood.
Let's be careful!
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