File / Ecole positive energy
LIMEIL BREVANNES School, in Val de Marne, is the first school to positive energy.
is a school labeled "zero energy" which was designed in close collaboration with local residents.
is the vanguard of low energy buildings.
Special emphasis is given to natural light not to use artificial light.
orientation of the building is designed to cover a large portion of the heating due to radiation from the sun.
This school has an on- insulation and triple glazed windows. It recovers energy from the air through a dual-flow ventilation.
heating technology integrates heat pump that draws heat from the water table.
Facades and roofs of photovoltaic panels that host produce DC and AC as a result of inverters. The current product is thus compatible with the electricity supplied by the network. Fed into the grid electricity that is bought by EDF.
The hot water opens a large part in the sun. Other common
embark successfully in an era of low consumption: the construction of maternal Françoise DOLTO in ECHIROLLES, renovating a school in Langouet HQE standards in Britain, with considerable energy savings.
To think for our future school Elincourt Sainte Marguerite. (see files) (see green buildings and passive school record in Germany)
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