December 2, 2008 16:45, Loik Neuelsasser
Decidedly you force me to meet you again when one of my opinions should be enough to tell you all the evil that we think of you.
You, of course it is the worshiper v. ..... because you are not Christian, except to be like Sarko and Co.
How many writings of the Bible contradict our opinions nationalist and pan-European then?
What was said in our church before the Second World War (more precisely up to Vatican 2) about you, vile people?
We do not deceive us about you so much corruption in the earth is yours. Vive la France
Christian, although you thought I did not.
I am the pure product of France that you have debased the spirit, culture and so do not be surprised ....., point of my references plural ..........( I will be Muslim your eyes, this one is funny but it reflects the reality that Muslims, too, are not fooled by your games)
you are the true representative of degenerate art was talking about my ancestor The most famous
Go to shortly before the truth will triumph over your propaganda.
Honor to real blood
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