Sunday, May 30, 2010

Petsmart Teeth Cleaning Cost

Spring Bio Agen - Saturday, June 5, 2010

Market Bio Agen, Place des Dairy Fountain side, organizing the
Saturday, June 5, 2010 all morning


• Tasting of products from the market
• Raffle (free participation )
• Presentation of ancient wheats (tbc)
• Manufacturing • Goat Cheese
musical entertainment

You'll find the usual stalls: bread, goat cheese, fruits and vegetables, plants, jams , honey, ginger bread, vinegar, oil, eggs, poultry, sheep, donkey soap, cosmetics and some additional stalls: Vigilance GMO 47 and other producers ...

This day is an opportunity to meet with organic farmers in the Lot-et-Garonne, learn their craft and taste their products, or even win a gift basket provided by market producers, but especially to be able to source local products and high quality while spending an enjoyable and pleasant!


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