Monday, March 26, 2007

How To Write A Settlement Letter In Car Accident

Voting openly.

I dream in color tonight. A dream impossible to achieve. I returned to vote after not having exercised my civic duty charge three decades on. 30 years without vote! Celebrating! Although supporters of democratic regimes do not think that voting is an unforgivable crime. There was a dream in the electronic ballot, a miniature camera disimulée well in the voting booth and a giant screen. The ballot was a new model, multiple choice. Voters could then democratically choose between voting for the PQ and put our choice in the small empty square, placed on the right side of the ballot. Or vote for the PLQ. Vote for the ADQ. Vote for the Green Party, vote for Québec solidaire. Or we could vote for all other political parties, legally recognized by the Chief Electoral Officer of Government Quebec.
big news in spring 2007. There was a small empty square where we could read, left side of the ballot, "None of the above is true," as for multiple choice exams. Students, we had to choose between five possible answers.
So, I told you I dreamed that I went back and vote as I placed my "X" in "None of the above." Voters waiting for patients to exercise their right to vote as such patients are waiting patiently in the corridors of the emergency rooms of hospitals saw on the giant screen which was the choice of voters, but could not see who had chosen to vote for any political party or vote for "auncune of these responses.
My boyfriend says it's a dream cunt. Certainly, this dream is a utopian dream. Utopian con. So I do not vote today, 26 March 2007. I do not want to be con.

- Why you do not vote, asked my friend.?
- Because one of the candidates said in an interview with a journalist from the regional press that the Israelis and the Americans had imposed an economic boycott on the Palestinians because the Palestinian political regime was not democratically legitimate. So the Israelis and Amécicains demanded the holding of democratic elections in the Palestinian territory. Democratic elections were held. The Americans and the Israelis did not like the results of democracy, you know the story. of U.S. democracy. The Israelis captured Palestinian ministers and MPs elected democratically. Passing the buck orders to torture and other neighboring countries to "speak" Palestinian "terrorists". And if you talk
ouverterment fonctinnement of these models of these large countries démocatiques broadcast on radio or TV, prerecorded Emissions shall not be disseminated. Your political leader will ask you to withdraw your application and think quietly, at home, watching television or with your partner or your traveling companion. If you decide to play the green plants, the political leader accept your nomination for the democratic elections of 2011, or perhaps for the 2008 elections.
... If the fall of gouvrnement dénocratiquement elected in spring 2007 will not cause another democratic election.

A joke in conclusion. This farce does not in any way about the vote with or without a veil.

Tell me, how do you call a nun who has no breasts?
My boyfriend, good athlete who won several medals at the Olympics in the National Assembly of Quebec, responded spontaneously: "A windsurfing.

PS: The Chiefs political hypothesis and Sister flying quietly traveling in the flying saucer above photogtaphiée by the government press service. The DVDs are sold in advance to news agencies that sell the multimedia material to their members. It is said that bin Laden is hidden discretely in the fuel tank built by the CIA. It would record the conversations of the guests aboard the saucer U.S. Army, sponsored government of George W Bush.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

How To Masterbate In A Car

Incredible! Citizens were not sufficiently challenged. Neither

October 7, 1966. THE ANIMALS, performers of the song "CC Rider", they were waiting on the tracks of Dorion bus packed with students who sang in celebration excited "CC Rider"?

OK yes I'm going away baby and be back till fall I'won't sing The animals ..

Twenty students on the party never came.


The coroner's jury, after a few days ago issued a verdict of accidental death on the railway tragedy occurred in Dorion on October 7, hereby wishes to make a number of recommendations.

The general thrust of these recommendations will be to the great state of neglect they are guilty of the National Railway and the Transport Commission of Canada. However we will stick to comments consctructives whose sole purpose will be to help address the numerous anomalies that were revealed during the investigation.

The first set of recommendations that we make concerning the crossing of the Rue Saint-Charles, where the tragedy took place and also the Canadian Pacific, which also crosses the Rue Saint-Charles few kilometers away.

Recommendation. 1

Considering that these intersections are a constant threat and knowing that danger even more pronounced when the trains fileront twice the current speed;

Considering that trains must travel at high speeds even in an urban area, then that the speed of traffic, even in a six-lane boulevard as the boulevard Harwood. is limited to 30 miles per hour;

Considering that for all highways, we did not hesitate to put an overpass at every intersection if they are secondary;

Considering that the street St. Charles is the main artery of Dorion and a busy provincial road.

Accordingly, we recommend the construction of a railway viaduct to the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific.

We regret that these companies and the Transport Committee have been allowed to extend a similar situation and did not, As the urbanization of the region, took the security measures that were required. Recommendation No.2

Dorion City has taken the initiative to prepare a draft viaducts, we recommend that the Commission of Transport and the railway companies to provide responsible for these studies all the technical assistance required for the project to be submitted and made the most rapidemen tpossible.

Pending rereading viaducts considered absolutely necessary goal, we recommend for the immediate future, that emergency measures are taken or maintained, namely:

Recommendation. 3

That the two railway companies maintain absolutely the order given to ciruculer all trains at a reduced speed to 25 miles an hour in the busy area of Dorion.

Recommendation. 4

That the two railway companies, since barriètres not a sufficient security measure, to remedy this deficiency by placing guards at crossings.

Recommendation. 5

That perfect visibility is provided to drivers of road vehicles or engines, by removing any tree, building or other obstruction as well as the prohibition of parking of cars on roads within the urbanized area Dorion

On the track inside the city limits.

Recommendation. no. 6

Considering that all the Dorion area is, according the testimony of locomotive drivers, considered unsafe;

Considering that highway authorities have seen fit to put fences on each side of roads throughout the whole of their journey;

We recommend that fences be placed on each Besides the two tracks from the bridge to the western boundary of the inhabited area.

It is anomalous that this recommendation has not been made rather by the Transport Commission of Canada.

The following recommendations are addressed to the Commission of Transport and aim to improve safety along the tracks railways and any crossing.

Recommendation. 7

Jugean opératur unacceptable that a locomotive has a visibility of over 50% on the road ahead of him, we recommend that the locomotives of type "long nose" are replaced by machines with perfect visibility operators.

In this investigation, it was shown that the driver had in his hands the levers of control of the brakes was placed on the right side and could see the level crossing in the curve veering left.

management permit is to think that if the officer in command of braking himself had seen the bus tragedy could have been avoided.

We find it inconceivable that the Commission on Transport Canada allows the use of locomotives as dangerous.

We also find unacceptable the use of locomotives by the railway companies. It seems to us incomptatible with concern that a public utility company must have the security of citizens.

Recommendation. 8

barriers of the type used in Dorion certainly do not for the public adequate protection crossing busy, we recommend that the Transportation Commission of Canada to install barriers to study or safer places for these alternatives provide adequate protection.

Recommendation. 9

Given that many of the TPE railway collisions occur when trains are found near a railway crossing, it seems that basic precautions should encourage the driver of the second train to signal its presence to automobiles and pedestrians by several blasts, if necessary despite any municipal regulations. It seems to us

inconceivable that the Transport Commission of Canada has never required, in the name of security public, such a measure of caution.

It also seems unacceptable that Canadian National has not, so own, and in light of its experience thoroughly devastated, took such a precaution.

We therefore recommend that when two trains cross oncoming immediately one after another, a crossing, the second train signals its presence by whistling extended.

Recommendation. 10

The last recommendation we make is for all municipalities with railway crossings SURL Eur territory. We recommend that they take advantage of offers subsentions Commission on Transport Canada to ensure that these dangerous crossings are eliminated.

We intended to make recommendations to the Ministry of Transport of Quebec on safety on buses, but the Quebec government has created a few days ago a commission of inquiry into the transportation of schoolchildren in the province, we are confident that these investigators will know better than us, make appropriate recommendations.

CONCLUSION The various recommendations above should not been taken lightly, as if they were inconsequential remarks made Following a mundane accident, on the contrary, they are the result of serious study by the jury members and relate to a tragic accident that we still appears as unacceptable and unthinkable.

However, we can not help being skeptical about the impact that this memoir will be with individuals or companies directly involved or interested. Similarly, we believe that citizens were not sufficiently concerned about the dangers inherent lack of safety at crossings and let their eyes grow dangerous situations, waiting to demand reforms to accidents, with irreparable consequences have occurred.

Therefore we urge the various intermediary bodies at all levels, as well as all groups of citizens Cares public affairs, to take them into account popular anxiety, and dynamic action and persevering from our leaders, to ensure that the tragedy of Dorion is an opportunity to better standards of public safety.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Abortions At Montreal Hospitals

parrot or green plant.

Guidelines electoral force. All candidates must close their mouths. Only party leaders speaking rights. Bernard Drainville plays the role of green plant. He is standing there, integrated into the scenery like a green plant which is part of greenish landscape ecologists. It grows Christine St. Peter in the corner, before the former Radio-Canada has completed its response to a question from a journalist. Dumont gets rid of a candidate loudmouth. Boisclair said the Magnificent gently support his candidate was told in a book, without denying the genocide Rwuanda, the racial drama that had not happened exactly as the Hawks racist propaganda. The Liberal candidate stellar economic speaks more of Mario Dumont, Jean-Marie Le Pen "the ADQ. Wearing a string by Muslim girls enrolled in a women's soccer league is not prohibited. Wearing a thong should be analyzed by the special committee which will present a code of conduct "politically correct".

Cameraman, flashback 1995.

I was director of information at the first newspaper edition. I signed the comment on Saturday. Representatives of Dr. Camille Laurin approached me. They were looking for journalists who were willing to disguise themselves as propagandists of the Bible independence. I was offered the county of Vaudreuil, if I would present my candidacy with the PQ team. I was told that Jacques Parizeau atmospheare supports this suggestion. I was to meet personnellementl CHEF prereferendum tour. I was also suggested, more or less subtly, that we would appreciate a comment from Gilles Rivest praising the Yes camp in the next referendum. I signed commentary in concluding that voters should decide for themselves after anlysis, they answer YES or NO answer to the referendum question. The PQ has fallen below their chairs. "Your" choice referendum is the right choice, I had written, adding that the collective choice of Quebec, even instinctive, was the best decision, no matter the majority decision. Dr. Camille Laurin
not spoken to me more. Jacques Parizeau turned her head when she saw me. To salute the PQ "committed", the true defenders of the independence of Quebec.
I'm not interested in playing the role of defender of the Bible independence nor defender of the Bible féréralisme Canada. If political leaders are looking for parrots, I am not a parrot or green plastic plant or cut or politically correct.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Psychiatrists In Hyderabad

Three parades as campaign promises. If I Had

At 66, I decided to come out. I'm heterosexual. I've always been hétéroxexuel, winter summer. Heterosexually straight. I am a member of any club of people supposedly "normal" or member of a club of "fags" as radio host said the Lac Saint-Jean.
Believe it or believe it not, my soul is happy to be out of the closet. We should organize a big parade to mark National pride heterosexual. I'm straight "and proud" to be.
OK, Mr. Giles, we understand. You do not ... Would you have something to say? You talk now like many politicians seeking support, votes. To be elected, they talk endlessly and say nothing. Conclude that frankly you look like, Mr. Giles, a politician who says nothing ... important, really important. As the politicians who have nothing to say. Everyone is beautiful. And "normal" people, members of clubs ... ditto, everyone will vote, will do their duty March 26. They will all pay taxes and imppôts. They will greet respectfully democratic political systems.
I suggest to politicians following the election promise? A great big military parade with tanks used in the army American submarines with English in England. Add two parades. A parade to celebrate the pride and a second hérétosexuelle parade in honor of gay pride. Should not forget to ask the heads of political parties which amounts will be allocated for organizing parades above mentioned.
Participants to the military parade would advance to not military. Left, right. Left right left right. The military handed, right! The soldiers left. Left! The other left please! The leftist political parties will move on the left side of the Rue Sainte-Catherine. East-west direction. Political parties right on the chessboard policy will move on the right side. Branch Westmount-Ville d'Anjou, Montreal-East, Province of Quebec.
I will attend the parade with a box of Belgian beers and a straw hat topped three fleurdelysÚs. The party leaders acting as cheer leaders with girls and boys. Boys wear thongs and the young ladies of hiding treasure diaphanous. The parade should be held on dates other than June 24 and the first day of July in Canada.
you hear off the arrival of bands Liberal and PQ? Mario Dumont's farm and leads the parade of majorettes Quebec Solidarity.