I dream in color tonight. A dream impossible to achieve. I returned to vote after not having exercised my civic duty charge three decades on. 30 years without vote! Celebrating! Although supporters of democratic regimes do not think that voting is an unforgivable crime. There was a dream in the electronic ballot, a miniature camera disimulée well in the voting booth and a giant screen. The ballot was a new model, multiple choice. Voters could then democratically choose between voting for the PQ and put our choice in the small empty square, placed on the right side of the ballot. Or vote for the PLQ. Vote for the ADQ. Vote for the Green Party, vote for Québec solidaire. Or we could vote for all other political parties, legally recognized by the Chief Electoral Officer of Government Quebec.
big news in spring 2007. There was a small empty square where we could read, left side of the ballot, "None of the above is true," as for multiple choice exams. Students, we had to choose between five possible answers.
So, I told you I dreamed that I went back and vote as I placed my "X" in "None of the above." Voters waiting for patients to exercise their right to vote as such patients are waiting patiently in the corridors of the emergency rooms of hospitals saw on the giant screen which was the choice of voters, but could not see who had chosen to vote for any political party or vote for "auncune of these responses.
My boyfriend says it's a dream cunt. Certainly, this dream is a utopian dream. Utopian con. So I do not vote today, 26 March 2007. I do not want to be con.
- Why you do not vote, asked my friend.?
- Because one of the candidates said in an interview with a journalist from the regional press that the Israelis and the Americans had imposed an economic boycott on the Palestinians because the Palestinian political regime was not democratically legitimate. So the Israelis and Amécicains demanded the holding of democratic elections in the Palestinian territory. Democratic elections were held. The Americans and the Israelis did not like the results of democracy, you know the story. of U.S. democracy. The Israelis captured Palestinian ministers and MPs elected democratically. Passing the buck orders to torture and other neighboring countries to "speak" Palestinian "terrorists". And if you talk
ouverterment fonctinnement of these models of these large countries démocatiques broadcast on radio or TV, prerecorded Emissions shall not be disseminated. Your political leader will ask you to withdraw your application and think quietly, at home, watching television or with your partner or your traveling companion. If you decide to play the green plants, the political leader accept your nomination for the democratic elections of 2011, or perhaps for the 2008 elections.
... If the fall of gouvrnement dénocratiquement elected in spring 2007 will not cause another democratic election.
A joke in conclusion. This farce does not in any way about the vote with or without a veil.
Tell me, how do you call a nun who has no breasts?
My boyfriend, good athlete who won several medals at the Olympics in the National Assembly of Quebec, responded spontaneously: "A windsurfing.
PS: The Chiefs political hypothesis and Sister flying quietly traveling in the flying saucer above photogtaphiée by the government press service. The DVDs are sold in advance to news agencies that sell the multimedia material to their members. It is said that bin Laden is hidden discretely in the fuel tank built by the CIA. It would record the conversations of the guests aboard the saucer U.S. Army, sponsored government of George W Bush.
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