Thursday, May 31, 2007

Pinnacle Media Center 4.7 Vista

Charest + or - 0 Man

Premier Jean Charest announced at noon today on the news that, since the reopening of classes in September 2007, the The announcement could come into force in September 2012, the return of report cards with notes. Completed follies, complete report cards where Ensigns were playing literati. It talked about the new report cards skills transverse students. Pedagogy with the New Age, there was more school failures. There was more passing notes or failure figures on the ballot. There were no pupils who were Joining a second time or third time, second or fourth year of primary school .. With a new student enrolled in second year of primary school oak purple carrot, teachers did not know whether the student was a student who would resume the twice the previous academic year or if that student is a brilliant student who had responded well questionnaires at the end of the school year. Students having passed through the central corridor, called regular classes Séprais classes TGA EStG meaning students learn too frozen, Auto level solar few days before the Feast of Sacrifice to the Prophet John the Baptist.
First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth grade. After ten years of teaching learning and skills, students could count to ten. Bravo Professor!. Two years of degree level Additional college and the student is automatically enrolled in the univerrsité. He has the academic requirements for postgraduate education in advanced mathematics.
Note that the Prime Minister of Quebec Jean Charest, had passed the exams with great success mentioned above. He had acquired the skills trsversaes. He could talk and negotiate with representatives of opposing partispolitiques. He had the know-how and if he had responded well to the final test in mid-June.
Here are answers to Mr. Charest.
If a student from Montreal, 10 km ride to Mont-Orford if he returns to a distance of 7 km, 8 km then rolled towards Mont-Orford, faientreprend turn 180 degrees and roll and 6 km, runs and made a stop 5 km to Mont-Royal.
first question asked the teacher.
- How many miles this student he drove?
Second question.
- "Where is he made this student?"

Response future Prime Minister of Quebec to the first question.

+ or - 0.

answers to the question number 2.

- "The student was parked in front of geographically buildings of the National Assembly, on the left side of the Parliament of Quebec City of Quebec. "

Monique Jerome-Forget, Minister of Finance, Government of Quebec, can it confirm the accuracy of answers of the future prime minister ?

One day soon we hope, Mr. Charest will receive an honorary degree from the University of Quebec Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Pulse In Stomach Where R They

security related to the D 142

Our village is crossed by the D 142.

The town (on Marest Matz, Villers Coudun, Lassigny, Vignemont) have arranged their passage.
The Mayor, however, sought by an association, by residents and some city councilors, has not yet proposed remediation to the problem of traffic will be forthcoming.
negotiating right angle turn, a slope, right cross in the center of the village remains as dangerous but not a development delay.
must secure the crossing pedestrian D142, primarily the pedestrian crossing opposite the hostel that street children use the Rhone to go to school. Ditto for traffic
rue du Rhône, residents have yet made proposals to reduce speed and protect pedestrians, especially children, nothing is done.
In return of school buses, around 16 h15 stop in front of the bus shelter Calvary (D 142 side fields) is unacceptable level in the current situation. Indeed
our youth off the bus directly onto a strip of grass (winter in the dark) and traverse to reach the sidewalk beside bus shelter: no pedestrian crossing is planned!
Again we must create at least one pedestrian or rethink, with the General Council, the bus stop.
The study of interventions aimed at securing the passage of Elincourt is clearly not a priority.
The mission of the elect is to anticipate, listen to the grievances and build the common good. Local residents have conducted studies and proposed developments for a long time, it is time to act.

Before You Get Your Period Do You Get Mucus


residents question the project of the Mayor on the basis of leisure.
woods Bellinglise is indeed the obsession of the Mayor and some Councillors from their sale.
Objectif déclaré dans Oise Hebdo " Mettre ces bois dans l'escarcelle du public ". Depuis chacun s'attend à une communication quant à la précision du projet ... en vain.
Voici donc les infos dont je dispose :

C'est LE projet premier d'ELINCOURT :

Notre commune a le projet de donner un terrain boisé en limite des habitations à la Communauté de Communes du Pays des Sources pour y créer une base de loisirs en 3 phases.
C'est le projet que notre commune travaille ardemment depuis la mise en vente des bois de Bellinglise ( Après un projet premier d'achat et de lotissement).

Phase 1 :
Aire de stationnement de 2400 m2 accessible toute year (cars, campers, buses)
picnic area equipped and maintained
landscaped area for relaxation and pedagogy
Item Information Network
therefore circuit rides for cyclists, walkers and riders.
home space for horses (line of attachment, paddock).

Phase 2: A
playground enclosed and secure
blocks with showers, sinks and toilets in single destination groups.
collective shelters (yard).

Phase 3:
home space tourist information and exhibition space

Area Educational Store
regional products
rental equipment

The operation will be entrusted to the CCPS.

Forecast capital expenditure taxes: land acquisition
3500 euros TTC
Amount investments (works and equipment) 115,414 euros

revenue is expected to cover these expenses (grant of European funds and the general council of the Oise particular). Cost

investment schedules (roads, connections, operation ..), cost 2.3 phases?
studies (market research, site) have been made?
Interest Elincourt?
Is it to create an attractive center there and leave the village center die (Cafe Saint FLOR (communal property), bakery, old post office (communal property))
Your comments about this project in comments Thanks

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

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About sixty guests attended the May 12 final at Rigaud City Library, launching the unpublished novel by Robert-Lionel Seguin Fire. COVERS THE LAST OF THE GRAY-published by Editions Trois-Pistoles, was written by Robert-Lionel Séguiin at the age of 19. Robert Lionel became the founder of ethnology Quebec. The Heun man drew on historical events of 1837-38 nationalist pride fighters for the preservation of French language and Catholic religion, and the energy and passion of those who do not again saw their hoods board to defend their corporate interests or personal interests.

Gauhier Jean-Claude, Michel Faubert, Huguette Seguin, George Aubin, author of the preface, Jean-Guy Faubert and Marcel Bouillard stressed the importance of this cultural event.

Jean-Claude Gauthier has performed the song "Man treasure", composed in homage to Robert-Lionel Séguin.

Michel Faubert picked a song to answer that hummed beautifully Robert-Lionel Séguin.


Listen to the story of a man who more than anyone
has surprised
Glad to know that the earth was round
One day left to make more friends
While traveling on the seas and roads
As a small but very great mind
He relayed towns and villages
Older men call
tools of yesteryear
stretched and subjected to his magnificent work
As a tune which failed off
not dynamically work without limit
To give his life
Besides its not

But to understand this man's work,
Who more than anyone has really surprised
Take time
enemble Visit this beautiful story
Living Legend
Memories that resemble us in this beautiful setting

Of man treasure.

Lyrics and music: Jean-Claude Gauthier.

Photos: Michel Leduc.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Garrison 2 Wood Stove Review

The new Tower of Bebel liberal. Simply

gallant and courageous man who offered the seat
the Parti Quebecois leader Pauline to her friend.
Ms. Marois will have a toilet at $ 40 000 for a chair and sit
straw Siberian
quietly sponsored by Quebecor International.

Members of the Johnson Commission does not seek to blame. They know the culprit. The culprit is, tie your string ladies, with a double knot, the culprit so you have the correct answer, the manager is the de la Concorde overpass, the cousin The Duke de la Concorde. If there was no bridge, it is clear that there would be no collapse.

change the subject. The PQ salute the extraordinary courage of the Head of the Bloc Québécois. Mr. Duceppe is so, since this weekend, a brave man after leaving a free passage to the future President of the Parti Quebecois. The polls were saying that Mr. Duceppe could not win the leadership race. So, courageously, Mr. Duceppe is returned to Ottawa to seek a vote of confidence in a model of courage, a hero of modern times.

I know that political opponents will say that Mr. Duceppe is a coward who never nosera dive into a pool half filled with water. Political analysts believe that the boat's PQ is like a boat sailing without a rudder, a boat taking in water. The boat is sinking PLQ too. The Quebec Premier Jean Charest, will inaugurate a tower of Babel in 2011/2012, the mega-Bebel liberal will be surrounded by 22 wind turbines. The blue and white propellers of the turbines will be fed red, it was learned from reliable source, with a remote from Sony for a plant of Hydro-Quebec. This system of dual-energy food, valued at approximately more or less than $ 250 million, is expected if the winds do blow the ADQ in the Quebec City area and Trois-Pistoles and the Gaspé. Engineers have planned the installation of ventilation corridors that will push the winds needed to fonctonnement profitable wind turbines made in West Island and Blanc-Sablon

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Messenger For Mac Name Keeps Changing


In search of a memorable time in sciècle crazy time. Dumas on stage. On stage just to sing the urgency of fixing the time. Not before time slips behind the absences, somewhere between dreams and moments to live intensely. Stop. Stop a few minutes. Just a few short minutes from time for yourself. Time for what we are or what we would be. Dust brief impulsive mingles with light rays. The stage lighting can not be fixed. Dumas arriste authentic sings slowly.

Steve Dumas Dumas attendant and artist. Go!

musicians walk almost silently on stage. The man of the evening is very present here. Yes Dumas is there a little nervous, a little concerned that we do not know what. as if the artist was waiting for the subway station at Maurice Saint-Lazare. Voice honeyed singer's songs will accompany the songs. Are not we drifting? It would be advisable to choose the altitude.



Climb up there ...

Behind the nebulae. It may be here this evening that all will be played on stage at the Bar Chez Maurice.

It's cold. There lbeaucoup heat under the light beams. A show where the cries of the heart go hand in hand with the thirst to hear what the audience want to hear for so long. Niraculeusement turn heads. Winter has returned to Greenland in the land of coldness Siberia. Unforgettable moments eyes closed.

Learning to see the invisible by following the sounds on the guitar.

Is there unloved? Are we the beloved?

Dumas really love is to say to Steve "Good show amigo!" We'll see. We have so many things to say privately.

Photo: Michel Leduc

Thursday, May 3, 2007

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Stanley Cup and submachine gun. We shall overcome! An Asian

The photo says it all. Machine gun in hand, two or three Canadian soldiers have to say: "Let them up! The Taliban, we will defend the Stanley Cup until the last drop of blood." The Taliban captured are sent to prisons Aghani for interrogation and to think. Two scéances manicure toes and beauty treatments are offered to prisoners. Are necessarily offered every Monday and Thursday. The questions to the prisoners are not complicated. Who will win the Stanley Cup in 2007? Ottawa? New York Rangers, Penguins, Buffalo, Vancouver or Montreal Canadians or Canadians of bin Laden? The Taliban are gaining one or two hours of torture with the televison cameras OFF for wrong answers. The Harper government denied this information. They have today announced an agreement with the Afghan Government. Several hours before an application for injunction is filed in court by counsel for Amnesty International. Government officials made in Canada, having received approbatur the CIA, will visit Taliban prisoners handed over to Afghan government to check the daily menus.
Maple syrup from the Beauce is it available to prisoners with the Qur'an, served with two videos of a hockey game prééliminatoire where the Canadiens lost the game twice? Canadian players have also lost sight of the puck. Witnesses at the Johnson Commission also lost sight of the inspection of audit work. An inspector should check the phantom construction phases. The place where the work of the Concorde overpass were not included in the models. We forgot to include the address where the work should be executed. The engineers involved have not forgotten to send invoices to the Government of Quebec with the right address.
Government of Quebec, Ottawa, USA.
Invoices returned to Quebec by the White House, the taxpayers cannadiens-Quebec paid the amounts claimed. Ditto as we pay for the work of Metro Laval had just listen and have cost us many many many more that are planned to achieve budgets. Should recover
Stanley Cup in Laval and place it on display in the subway until the Canadiens players deserve a triumphant exit on rue Sainte-Catherine, as the time Rocket Richard.