residents question the project of the Mayor on the basis of leisure.
woods Bellinglise is indeed the obsession of the Mayor and some Councillors from their sale.
Objectif déclaré dans Oise Hebdo " Mettre ces bois dans l'escarcelle du public ". Depuis chacun s'attend à une communication quant à la précision du projet ... en vain.
Voici donc les infos dont je dispose :
C'est LE projet premier d'ELINCOURT :
Notre commune a le projet de donner un terrain boisé en limite des habitations à la Communauté de Communes du Pays des Sources pour y créer une base de loisirs en 3 phases.
C'est le projet que notre commune travaille ardemment depuis la mise en vente des bois de Bellinglise ( Après un projet premier d'achat et de lotissement).
Phase 1 :
Aire de stationnement de 2400 m2 accessible toute year (cars, campers, buses)
picnic area equipped and maintained
landscaped area for relaxation and pedagogy
Item Information Network
therefore circuit rides for cyclists, walkers and riders.
home space for horses (line of attachment, paddock).
Phase 2: A
playground enclosed and secure
blocks with showers, sinks and toilets in single destination groups.
collective shelters (yard).
Phase 3:
home space tourist information and exhibition space
Area Educational Store
regional products
rental equipment
The operation will be entrusted to the CCPS.
Forecast capital expenditure taxes: land acquisition
3500 euros TTC
Amount investments (works and equipment) 115,414 euros
revenue is expected to cover these expenses (grant of European funds and the general council of the Oise particular). Cost
investment schedules (roads, connections, operation ..), cost 2.3 phases?
studies (market research, site) have been made?
Interest Elincourt?
Is it to create an attractive center there and leave the village center die (Cafe Saint FLOR (communal property), bakery, old post office (communal property))
Your comments about this project in comments Thanks
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