About sixty guests attended the May 12 final at Rigaud City Library, launching the unpublished novel by Robert-Lionel Seguin Fire. COVERS THE LAST OF THE GRAY-published by Editions Trois-Pistoles, was written by Robert-Lionel Séguiin at the age of 19. Robert Lionel became the founder of ethnology Quebec. The Heun man drew on historical events of 1837-38 nationalist pride fighters for the preservation of French language and Catholic religion, and the energy and passion of those who do not again saw their hoods board to defend their corporate interests or personal interests.
Gauhier Jean-Claude, Michel Faubert, Huguette Seguin, George Aubin, author of the preface, Jean-Guy Faubert and Marcel Bouillard stressed the importance of this cultural event.
Jean-Claude Gauthier has performed the song "Man treasure", composed in homage to Robert-Lionel Séguin.
Michel Faubert picked a song to answer that hummed beautifully Robert-Lionel Séguin.
Listen to the story of a man who more than anyone
has surprised
Glad to know that the earth was round
One day left to make more friends
While traveling on the seas and roads
As a small but very great mind
He relayed towns and villages
Older men call
tools of yesteryear
stretched and subjected to his magnificent work
As a tune which failed off
not dynamically work without limit
To give his life
Besides its not
But to understand this man's work,
Who more than anyone has really surprised
Take time
enemble Visit this beautiful story
Living Legend
Memories that resemble us in this beautiful setting
Of man treasure.
Lyrics and music: Jean-Claude Gauthier.
Photos: Michel Leduc.
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