11-9-2007 email (see previous posts)
Those whom you consider "big brother people", "Loik," the German generation Hitler considered the "real French" like crap belonging to an inferior race, as Islam considers the "Christians" as "miscreants" to dominate and lower (9-29 Quran), that is like crap.
And you dare say "real French" with admiration that?!
Those who gave their blood for the liberty of France, there are those "real French" and they called as they were called Mendès France Jean Moulin and Charles Peguy.
As for your reference to the golden calf ... if you were a Christian like you say, unless it has Marcionite you would have read the Bible, and you would know that the conviction of worship the golden calf is written in the Bible ... as the strong condemnation of all idolatry in general ....
you are probably only a Muslim, or Islam considers the Bible, the Gospels were forged, and thus gives himself a Muslim observing rarely bother to read the Bible.
Neither politicians you mention (which SIOE is not tied more than any other political party) does not say what you write you, namely: "We have set the same goal as partially achieved it decades ago by my brother Deutsch great people. " On the contrary both have explicitly condemned in writing or verbally, the genocide of Jews, and both tell and retell one having offered his services to the Resistance, the other that his father was resistant and that he is proud.
Again, your post is misleading.
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