Loik You advocate? (It's Alsatian "Loik??)
Involved In what party you?
"People perverse" you say? You mean "traitor" without doubt? Because "evil" is the Koran ... not anti-Semitism of Christians.
Grand Deutsch brotherly people "... frankly "Loik," a pro-German, Alsatian, you are the shame of Alsace (1), and you may still write German properly.
You should talk about your "big brothers" who distributed the leaflets in Durban at the UN conference on racism, the "big brothers" who had alliances with the brother nation of Hitler.
You should also avoid anachronisms by using words that person no longer uses anti-Semitic in France for a century, like the word "Youtrerie" One feels at once something wrong, manufactured, fake, do you see? ...
As French, we are sensitive to Good Use, do not offend our cultural sensitivities, thank you.
Last but not least, stop trying to put the Alsatians for anti-Semitic, or you'll regret.
Dr. Hans im Schnockeloch,
Hett alles was er Will
WAS A chait st, st
Das Will Nitta,
st WAS A Will, Das chait st Nitti.
D'r Hans im Schnockeloch
Hett Alles what he wants.
Dr Hans in Schnockeloch,
can do everything he wants, he can
This makes it Nitt
Un what he does,
Gerot Nitt ehm.
D'r Hans im Schnockeloch,
Can do everything he wants what.
Dr Hans in Schnockeloch, Anne wo'n
If he wants, he
Un wo'n esch, blit he
Thurs nit, Un
wo'n he blit,
Thurs Gfallts's ehm Nitt. will
D'r Hans im Schnockeloch,
If he wo'n Anne.
Dr Hans in Schnockeloch,
Sajt aalle what he wants, what he
Un sajt,
thinks he Nitt
Un what he thinks he Nitt
The sajt.
the Hanseatic League in Schnockeloch,
Sajt everything he wants. should
Dr Hans in Schnockeloch,
düet all he wants, what he
Un düet,
That is, he Nitt
Un it what
He düet Nitt. will
D'r Hans im Schnokeloch,
düet everything he was.
(1), enfin, soyons plus juste, ce sont les Allemands en 1898 qui la grande synagogue de construisirent Strasbourd to demolish en 1940 par les nazis ...
Bref: vous êtes certainement un "Neuelsasser, vraiment très" New ".
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