Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Best Upconverting With A Blu-ray Player

Cr of the meeting of November 19, 2010

Meeting Minutes November 19

We tasted the "hot wine" for children by Stephanie concocted version and opted for apple juice.
The mulled wine will be held Friday, December 10. Benedict prepares: 4 for adults and thermos 2 for children. Silvie and Floriane prepare sand roses: 60 bags for kindergarten and 60 elementary pink sand with 5 per bag sold € 1.50 each. Stephanie is responsible for preparing the bags of spices for mulled wine at the same rate (70 sachets in total) and the mulled wine for the children. Thierry will provide the money for the boxes.
We need two thermos because Benedict has only 4. Notices to members who have them.
We will hold two stands: one at the elementary only selling chocolates and spices for mulled wine and a kindergarten for the same thing over distribution mulled wine.

We forgot to mention the display. Who could prepare two posters (one per school)?
We also provide papers to inform parents to distribute the previous week. *
mugs The idea is for now forgotten because it is difficult to implement (too many commands to return the action). We need to find something else to raise funds.
We also talk about the release of the spring members: a little of Albret and garden Boxwood's running. The latter holds the rope for reasons of simplicity of organization. there is an association and it would be free. Celia, who knows, inquire.
The next meeting will be held Friday, January 14, 2011 at 18H .
We dream to find another meeting place for the winter, the Café des Arts is best suited for sunny days notice to those who have ideas ...

Friday, November 19, 2010

Bubble Tip Throwing Up

Proceedings of the canteen committee

Report of the Committee on Restoration of November 4, 2010

Prior to this commission school restoration, the Director of AVENANCE, Stephanie Baldassari, we visited the central kitchen where meals are prepared for our children.

The central kitchen is built since 1983. It was therefore urgent to carry out work. This work was done during the summer of 2010. Plumbing, roof repairs to prevent leaks when it rains, soil rehabilitation in the cooking to reduce noise. Investments have also been made: buying large bouncers, a washing boots.

In the central kitchen, there are two areas, one green and one orange. The Green Zone is the area where deliveries take place. In this area you can move around without protective clothing. It circulates in the "principle of the forward march" that is to say that commodities are distributed according to their nature reserves in separate fridges and then follows a defined route.
deliveries take place every morning. The products delivered are stored in fridges and reserves and sorted by category.
In refrigerators, there are tracers temperature related to portable Director and agents are warned in case of trouble.
On reserve, stored non-perishable food, including meals help to cope with contingencies.
should know that fresh vegetables are decontaminated with bleach, but the dosage is small, 1 for 1000, so safe for the health of our children.
The orange zone is the area most sensitive. The officers are dressed in white blouse with cap, mask and boots. The boots are washed each output Using a machine boots bought this summer.
The room was warm place conditioning is managed by an agent that monitors the temperatures at the heart of the meat. These controls are essential to minimize health risks.
In another room are run cold dishes such as vegetable salads, homemade desserts. Agents have a high-quality material.
The preparations are then placed in trays and stored in a refrigerated room called "House of finished products. Among the trays, there are yellow trays serving trays of cookies during the passage of veterinary services for health checks. These trays are also given to a laboratory (SILIKEUR) based in Toulouse, for analysis.
In another cold room called "House of distributions," the trays are stored ready for delivery the following day in each school.
This visit was very rewarding.

The first meeting of the year takes place in the presence of a member of the CODES (Departmental Committee for Health Education) which informs us of a project that began in three schools of Agen (Sembel, Bara and Reclus) . Agen part of the cities working PNNS (Plan National Nutrition and Health).
This is a nutrition project that consists of 7 workshops with teachers to educate children about food with a gourmet book.
We also presents a newly engaged lady in charge of monitoring agents during meals and there are 32 employees of the future on 15 schools. It is intended to give these officers a day training so they learn to better present them selfs.
Under PNNS, another project is underway at 3 schools (Reclus, Paul Bert and Scaliger), "A fruit for recess." It is distributed once a week a piece of fruit or fruit juices fresh, local produce in season from January 2011. This national project concerns only the elementary schools (no kindergarten) *.
We learn that the school canteen will Reclus self next year.
We talk a problem of quantity of food on the plates of children who are not always well proportioned. Mrs. Baldassare, who runs the central kitchen, is aware of the problem and informs us that the canteen will be equipped with scales to address it. Witness plate will be formed to assist the ladies in charge of the service to manage the quantity so that students are served fairly.
Bara We also learn that as part of a program of eco-school project has a respect for the environment on the theme of water and that students are aware of water conservation as in the canteen.

Your contacts: Frédéric Leroux and Veronique SALVALAIO.

* Information taken (on the website of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries), the transaction may involve schools, colleges and high schools for one quarter and one class. Thanks to European co-financing, the average cost borne by the municipality is 0.85 euro cents per pupil for the commitment of 6 distributions on a quarter.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Gums Sore Days Extraction

the pitch of the Wolf, contemporary dance for children : link with the company.
Tuesday, November 23 at the Theatre Municipal d'Agen at 20:30.

"Body of female and animal bodies. We follow, with no louvers, the trace of wild women.

resurface in our bodies today, or delivered by the oral tradition of storytelling, they make us navigate between abstraction of the body, and dances on edge.
These things wild, uncompromising, tell us how to listen to their stories and their feelings, they always chose the steep path that leads step by step construction of a singular being.

Four women on stage through the ages and landscapes. Children's play to a strange gnarled walking, they are binding on their journey to the rhythm of words and percussion on skins, stones and bamboo chimes. By turns spirited and playful, sensual and mothering, impulsive or retracted inside, they are transient a sweet savagery. "
Muriel Barra

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Get All Yahoo Ticker Symbol

documentary on France 5

" Brands attack: the assault of children ! "Directed by Arnaud Muller released on November 7 at 16:40 and on France 5 and 8:35 p.m. Thursday, November 11 at 16.30
Clothing, mobile phone, sporting goods and even cars ... The big brands use marketing techniques become more sophisticated to sell their products to young . They understand that tomorrow is This generation will decide what to wear, eat, drink or listen. Internet gaming sites are thus transformed into platforms for recruitment of junior commercial, fake blogs are created for buzz, adolescents are selected as ambassadors to promote products to their friends. Others are recruited by agencies marketing consultancy to help brands to transform their advertising language for young ...

Documentary Duration 52 ' Author-director Arnaud Muller Production France Televisions / First Line Television Year 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Optimal Annealing Temperature

Association Meeting Minutes October 15, 2010

The association currently has 32 members.

Summary of actions 2009-2010:
Meals reentry
mulled wine before the Christmas holidays
Aprons with children's drawings
Output reserved for members of Trot-Bunny in April
Garage sales in May
Show hosted by the association followed by a dinner for New Year

Parents arriving to school Charles Duffour tell us about their actions: organization of two garage sales a year and a carnival in town outside school hours.

Actions planned for the coming year:

Mulled wine offered by the association the week before the Christmas holidays (date to be determined with Kindergarten, Stephanie Bruneau contacted the director). On this occasion, we plan to sell small bags of spices to prepare mulled wine (and Stephen B?) And truffles and pink sands (Florianne and Silvie). The mulled wine will be put together as in previous years by Benedict and Stephanie will be a test of "mulled wine" for children.

Mugs with the drawings of children. Aude inquires from the organization with whom we made aprons last year. The effect can be put in place in December for a delivery in February.

Released late April-early May for family members of the association. Ideas are welcome for the next meeting.

garage sale. We plan to stall this year on the feast of reading that takes place at the Stadium to enjoy the passage. Anne and Anne-Sophie are volunteers for the organization (any help is welcome as all action s to come).

An idea to accompany the English inn year-end is thinking.

Proposal to hold a Bingo (Stephanie and David reflect).

Next meeting scheduled for Friday, November 19 18H (approximately) at the Cafe des Arts.