The association currently has 32 members.
Summary of actions 2009-2010:
Meals reentry
mulled wine before the Christmas holidays
Aprons with children's drawings
Output reserved for members of Trot-Bunny in April
Garage sales in May
Show hosted by the association followed by a dinner for New Year
Parents arriving to school Charles Duffour tell us about their actions: organization of two garage sales a year and a carnival in town outside school hours.
Actions planned for the coming year:
Mulled wine offered by the association the week before the Christmas holidays (date to be determined with Kindergarten, Stephanie Bruneau contacted the director). On this occasion, we plan to sell small bags of spices to prepare mulled wine (and Stephen B?) And truffles and pink sands (Florianne and Silvie). The mulled wine will be put together as in previous years by Benedict and Stephanie will be a test of "mulled wine" for children.
Mugs with the drawings of children. Aude inquires from the organization with whom we made aprons last year. The effect can be put in place in December for a delivery in February.
Released late April-early May for family members of the association. Ideas are welcome for the next meeting.
garage sale. We plan to stall this year on the feast of reading that takes place at the Stadium to enjoy the passage. Anne and Anne-Sophie are volunteers for the organization (any help is welcome as all action s to come).
An idea to accompany the English inn year-end is thinking.
Proposal to hold a Bingo (Stephanie and David reflect).
Next meeting scheduled for Friday, November 19 18H (approximately) at the Cafe des Arts.
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