Monday, December 17, 2007

What Happened Sandra Model

The need to indicate in the seed catalogs that a variety is

catalog Seed corn RAGT (1) has been mailed to corn growers. It offers for sale of GMO varieties in the range Yieldgard ® 2008 (2). This catalog RAGT does not indicate that these varieties are GMO (3). Moreover, the majority of varieties offered by RAGT are being registered in the official catalog of species and varieties (4), registration, without which these varieties can be marketed.

Article 9.5 of Directive 2002/53/EC of 13 June 2002 on the Common Catalogue of varieties of agricultural plant species (6) requires two things:

"States shall ensure that the GM varieties that have been accepted are clearly indicated as such in the catalog varieties. They also ensure that any person marketing such a variety clearly indicates in its catalog that the variety is genetically modified. "

a GM variety entered in the Official Catalogue Member States must be clearly marked as such. This is the case today. But Member States must also ensure that "any person marketing such a variety clearly indicates in its catalog that the variety is genetically modified." This is not the case in France today: no statutory or regulatory requirement that transposes French.

Decree of 18 May 1981 on the marketing of seed (last amended by the Decree of March 19, 2007) (7) merely states in Article 12, that "for seeds and planting genetically modified, a label that clearly indicates the variety has been genetically modified." Labels include this reference, but not the seed catalogs. But farmers are on their order catalog.

For farmers to make informed choices and also to implement Article 9.5 of Directive 2002/53, the French law should require that the seed catalogs indicate that a variety is GMO. For this, an additional paragraph could be added to Article 12 Decree of May 18, 1981:

T ny person marketing GM variety should clearly indicate in its catalog, and on any media advertising and any charges that the variety is genetically modified .

(1) RAGT Seeds, Corn Grain Index 280-620 genetics and performance for your operation, 2007.

(2) YieldGard is a registered Monsanto.

(3) A little note says "Ask the good practice guide published by BT corn AGPM.

(4) A small footnote on page 2 of catalog RAGT specified.

(5) Directive 2002/53/EC of 13 June 2002 on the Common Catalogue of varieties of agricultural plant species, OJEU L 193 / 1, 20.07.2002. Available at:

(6) The text is available at:

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Apartment Radiator Temperature

GMO seed farm may be an infringement

On October 30, 2007, a new law on counterfeiting 2007-1544 was published in the Official Journal. It strengthens the capacity of holders of intellectual property rights in their fight against counterfeiting: a "matter of traffickers and mafias," according to the rapporteur of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The senator was certainly not the farmers who "make their own seed on the farm" when he said that, but it would nevertheless be wrong to think that this ancient practice and frequent escapes to the new legislation with certainty. On the contrary, a seed produced on the farm may be in law regarded as an infringement when the seed is from a farmer plant variety protected by plant breeders' rights (PBRs). PVP gives its holder a temporary exclusivity on a variety, the "protected variety". This exclusivity extends to all production seed, with some exceptions.

Certainly many farmers breed of semen on the farm from the crop of a protected variety. In practice, they breed during one or more years without requesting permission from the owner of PVP. However, the reproduction of a protected variety is legal only under certain conditions it is important to consider in distinguishing Community law, where such reproduction is possible under certain conditions, French law, where in the state, although this practice is tolerated is contrary to law as was confirmed by the Court of Appeal of Nancy in 1988.

The PVP Community, established in 1994, provides a limit to the exclusive rights of the holder. There is an exception for farmers who want to reproduce a protected variety on their farms for their own use. This exception applies only to a list of 20 species including wheat and potato, but this list does not include species such as corn and soybeans. Under this exception, the farmers can reproduce the protected variety without permission owner, but only if they fulfill certain obligations, including payment of "reasonable royalty". If a farmer does not pay the contractor, the conditions of the exception are not met. Then it is counterfeit.

same time, there is the French system of PVP created in 1970. The current wording of Article L. 623-4 of the Intellectual Property Code provides all the exclusive production of the seed - without exception - the holder of the PVP French. A farmer may So French reproduce a protected variety without the express permission of the owner. Without this authorization, it is counterfeit. It should be noted however that there is a single tolerance for wheat because a "mandatory voluntary contributions" was introduced on all crops of wheat. It is a hybrid form of levy that is paid back in part to breeders. The other part is used to fund research in France, although this deduction applies equally to French and European varieties.

To oversimplify the situation today, the seed from a protected variety and produced by a farmer is an infringement if the farmer does not pay a breeder of a variety of community or if reproduced without a French variety express authorization, except wheat. These fakes obviously fall within the ambit of the law on infringement that has reinforced the rights of owners and infringement actions.

Curiously, at the end of the hearing before the Senate on counterfeiting, the idea floated a seed farm could not be a fake. Senator Bernard Sellier had introduced an amendment to exclude the seed farm of the scope of the law. Following the remarks of Minister Novelli, M. Sellier withdrew the amendment, concluding: "You say without ambiguity: the use of farm-saved seed will not be a waiver, nor tolerance, but a right of farmers." It was explained that the forthcoming law on plant varieties would resolve the issue. Farmers could then make the seed farm. But they forgot to mention that in this bill on the plant variety right reproduce is subject to conditions such as remuneration. There are only a limited list of species. Moreover, it is clearly stated in the bill:

" Art. L. 623-24-7 . - The failure by farmers to the obligations imposed by this section to qualify for exemption [...] gives the use of that derogation the character of a counterfeit ".

Farmers who think they have a historical right to replant free and freely their seed are wrong when it comes to seeds of protected varieties. On the one hand, breeders are investing heavily and carry a long process of selection. It is normal that they can benefit from the royalties due to them and prosecute counterfeiters. On the other, it is wrong to suggest that there is a general right to reproduce and induce farmers in error. Farmers have only an exception for certain species at certain conditions and this will soon be the same situation for the French PVP (see project bill before the National Assembly should again be placed on the agenda). If a farmer reproduced of protected varieties, it must accept the obligation to compensate the breeder for his work. Research depends.

During the years 1970 and 1980, was strongly encouraged farmers to abandon their local varieties, less productive but free of any intellectual property right. They had to adopt the modern varieties and marketed. But this choice has been accompanied by the abandonment of a freedom, something that has never been explained so: by abandoning their local varieties, farmers gave up their freedom to reproduce without constraint of the seed. That is why today there is renewed interest in local varieties and also varieties in the public domain, both freely reproducible and can not be any infringement action.

© Shabnam Laure ANVAR (this article can be reproduced with explicit permission from the author, write droitetsemence (@) gmail (dot) com)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Duofem And Ferrous Fumarate Tablets Faqs

The right to farm the seed: the difference between the rights of plant varieties and patent law

's letter of October 2007 GNIS deals with farm-saved seed and the law. The letter is interesting in that it clearly establishes what can be done or not. It omits a significant detail.

In the last table, it is stated that the farm-saved seed is prohibited for a patented variety (if one pays attention to detail, we understood that it refers to the law of the USA, Australia and Japan). Now this chart does not specify that a right to reproduce farm seed containing a patented event in French law French law (Article L. 613-5-1 Code property intellellectuelle) and the EU Directive 98/44 (Art. 11.1).

" Art. L. 613-5-1 Code of intellectual property.

Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles L. 613-2-2 and L. 613-2-3, sale or other act of commercialization of plant breeding plant by the patentee or with his consent, to a farmer for farming purposes for it implies permission using the product of his harvest for propagation or multiplication by him on his own farm.

This leads to a paradoxical situation: a farmer can reproduce a patented seed with events, but not a seed French variety protected by plant breeders' rights. (Regarding the patent, the right to reproduce may be exercised only if the farmer meets the requirements of Regulation 2100/94).

French Patent law is somewhere now more favorable to farmers ...

NB: EU law provides an exemption for farmers and plant breeders' rights for patented items.

French law provides that only the plant variety right.

38 Weeks Pregnant N I Have A Bad Headace

The Farm saved seed exception: the plant breeders différence entre 'rights and patent law

GNIS The October 2007 letter farm saved seed about IS & the law. It Is Interesting as it clearly "Explains What Can Be Done. Except, one important Fact Is omitted.

In the last chart, it is stated that farm saved seed if prohibited for any patented variety (if one looks closely, one understands that this fact only concerns the USA , Australia and Japan ). The chart does not specify that French (article L. 613-5-1 Code de propriété intellellectuelle) and (EC law EC Directive 98/44 (art. 11.1)) both allow farmers to produce farm saved seed containing GM patented elements.

" Art. L. 613-5-1 Code de propriété intellectuelle.

Par dérogation the provisions of Articles L. 613-2-2 and L. 613-2-3, sale or other act of commercialization of plant breeding plant by the patentee or with his consent, to a farmer for farming purposes for it implies approval of use the product of his harvest for propagation or multiplication by him on his own farm.

The Result is Quite paradoxical : a farmer Cdn Reproduce has patented GM seed With A element, can not aim Reproduce seed of a French Variety protected by a plant breeder's right. (With Regards To The patent, a farmer Reproduce The Seed Can Only if he gratified The obligations set out in EC Regulation 2100/94).

French patent law is therefore more open to farm saved seed than French plant breeders’ rights...

NB: EC law allows for farm saved seed (within certain limits) in patent law and plant breeders’ rights law

French law only provides the exception in patent law.

Tek Dek Live Skate Park

About Law of March 2006 Plant Variety

Un détail significatif : La prolongation de la durée de protection du certificat de l’obtention végétale française does not depend on the ratification of the 1991 Convention

A first draft ratification of UPOV 1991 was filed in 1996 (1). But only ten years later and rushed the legislature passed the law to ratify UPOV 1991 March 2, 2006 (2). This haste was justified by the imminent need to extend the term of protection granted to breeders from 20 to 25 years. Curiously, this extension had already been made the previous day by a law of a st March 2006, which had also been adopted in "emergency" (3). The main reason advanced by the parliamentary reports (4) was that some VOCs were coming to an end and plant varieties that would "fall into the public domain." It was necessary, argued they, "save [the] Charlotte [the] Mona Lisa" (5) (see two varieties of potatoes). That is the fear of public domain that has driven the early adoption of these laws (6).

Theoretically, any protection for intellectual property right is limited in time because the grant exclusivity to a breeder or inventor is an exception freedom to undertake any other person, but also, and perhaps most importantly, it confers an exclusive right to encourage the disclosure of a text, an invention or a plant variety to enable better dissemination knowledge. Thus, Article 8 of the 1978 Convention and Article 19.1 of the Convention of 1991 indicate that the PBR is granted for a period of "limited" or "defined".

Although the two conventions of 1978 and 1991 provided for a term of protection, moreover different: the first fixed to 15 years, except for trees and vines, which should be protected at least 18 years (7); on the second, it extended up to two times respectively 20 and 25 years (8). However, the protection periods and corresponded to a minimum set that nothing prevented the signatory states to overcome the above conventions setting no time limit. France could, therefore, freely, either under the 1978 Convention or under that of the 1991 Convention, extending the duration of exclusive rights granted to breeders in France. It is therefore difficult to argue, as has been done before the Assembly national, that "[...] the lack of timely ratification of the Revision Act of 1991", varieties fall into the public domain because it was possible to extend the term of protection by a French law, under the 1978 Convention (9). In fact, the law of 1 st March 2006 amending Article L. 623-13 of the ICC was adopted before the ratification and implementation was immediate. Its application is therefore not subject to the condition of ratification of the Convention of 1991.

But these arguments of "emergency" based on 'fear' public domain, enabled the rapid adoption of the ratification bill, avoiding a substantive discussion about real change implied ratification of the new treaty, which is unfortunate. The decision to extend the term of plant variety certificate was French and a matter of law only.

(1) Bill was tabled in the Senate December 11, 1996 and reviewed by its Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence 26 June 1997.

(2) Law No. 2006-245 of March 2, 2006 authorizing the ratification of the revision of the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties Plants, Official Gazette No 53 of March 3, 2006.

3) The report of JP Nicolas before the Senate as the second part talks of "emergency": "The urgency of a longer duration of certificates of plant variety." J.-P. Nicolas, Report on behalf of the Committee on Economic Affairs, Environment and Territory of the National Assembly on the bill, passed by the Senate, concerning plant varieties (No. 2869 ), February 23, 2006. The law of 1 st March amended Article L. 623-13 of the Code of Property Intellectual (CPI) and thus the duration of protection conferred by the French VOCs. Act No. 2006-236 of 1 March 2006 concerning plant varieties, Official Gazette No 52 of March 2, 2006.

(4) For the Senate: J. Puech, Supplementary Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Armed Forces of the Senate bill authorizing the ratification of the revision of the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants, www.senate . fr, December 7, 2005. For the National Assembly: J. Glavany Report on behalf of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Assembly National Bill, passed by the Senate, authorizing the ratification of the revision of the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (No. 2803), No. 2849, February 13, 2006, 8 p.

(5) Glavany Report on behalf of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly on the bill, passed by the Senate, authorizing the ratification of the revision of the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (No. 2803) .

(6) These are the 'falls' who "reasoned the French authorities to revive the ratification process Revision Act of 1991 and to undertake a parallel modification of the code of intellectual property and the Rural Code "Ibid.

(7) Section 8 of the UPOV Convention of 1978 imposes a term of protection as follows: "The right conferred on the breeder shall be granted for a limited time. It can not be less than fifteen years from the date of issue of the protection. For vines, forest trees, fruit trees and ornamental trees, including, in each case, their rootstocks, the duration of protection can not be less than eighteen years from that date. "

(8) Article 19.2 of the UPOV Convention 1991: "this may not be less than 20 years from the date of grant of PBR. For trees and vines, but may not be less than 25 years after that date. .

(9) Glavany Report on behalf of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly on the bill, passed by the Senate, authorizing the ratification of the revision of the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (No. 2803) .

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Male Sauna In Abu Dhabi

French Article on Biodiversity Indicators (biodiversity)

A number of institutions are drafting biodiversity indicators for cultivated species (cf. used by farmers). In countries where seed production and marketing are regulated, it is necessary to consider the impact of this regulation when designing indicators and interpreting data.

In France, the GEVES (Institute which tests varieties for registration) published a report in 2006 which proposes 10 indicators. However, these indicators have not factored in regulation criteria. For example, one conclusion states that there are more species today in the National Register, therefore more diversity. It fails to explain that there are more species in the register simply because more species are regulated. Indeed, before these species were produit, They Were Already Used by farmers. The Legislator Does not Increase Biodiversity by Deciding to Regulate Already a specie used. The AIMS

article to explain how to factor in social regulation Criteria to Avoid distorted data and build reliable Biodiversity Indicators.

The article's reference IS Anvar S., "Biodiversity indicators: the importance of regulation", The Courier environment INRA, September 2007, No. 54, pp. 9-18.
To order a copy
Of The review:

GEVES Report 2006 proposes ten indicators for crop biodiversity. In an article published in the Courier environment in September 2007, I explained that the seed market is a highly regulated market. It is necessary to set the factor 'regulation' in these indicators, without which some do not show the evolution of diversity and other data of them are distorted.

For example, the report says there are more species in the Official Catalogue, and therefore concludes that there is more biodiversity . However, it is explained that these species prior to the Catalogue, were used in agriculture. It is therefore not an increase in biodiversity, just that there are more regulated species.

The aim of this paper is to suggest how to take into account the factor 'rules' to avoid distortion of data and to develop good indicators.

The reference section is: Anvar S., "Biodiversity indicators: the importance of regulation", The Courier environment INRA, September 2007, No. 54, pp . 9-18.

For a journal that contains this item:

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Przysłowie : Kto Nie Rad

Imagine my love love you all night.

a night together ...

"Thanks!" Ima said, smiling.

She so cute and blonde. IMA. It has to listeners that love and lust to love. "Let me love you all night, let me be with you the best trips," sings IMA aphrodisiac. She sings and says confidentially. As if she was our friend. She sings she sings and she sings for us all. The scene of

Bar Chez Maurice wants to audition more talented performer. IMA tenderly whispers in the ears of listeners: "Let me love anything that night, laiisse me see in your eyes the most wonderful scenery. "The voice is like love Ima tell tales of old still married last united to each other forever. Just enough time to just say" my love my love, my one love ".

Gracia la vida.
Thanks to life.

Lights sometimes yellow, green, sometimes blue, hop and dance on stage, the light beams have fun like we had fun with the boys excited by childhood games. The celestial smoke magically descends and sweeps the stage. The smoke is transparent blue and dressed lightly on the shoulders of the cellist.
beams and yet, "my only love, I love only you." How many things we would have to say, forever entwined to each other! Happiness happens so fast "my only love." Death is the place in the corridor. And yet love is gone elsewhere too. If you knew ... my love, my only love, "let me love you one last time."

soon the show ended, twenty-Ima sign autographs on the CDs. She warmly greets with real smiles of those who have enjoyed the show. The vibrations of love constantly circulated between the tables. Smile approvers have metamorphosed into applause lorsque IMA a raconté qu'elle a traversé elle aussi des "moments difficiles et qu'elle est aujourd'hui heureuse lorsqu'elle chante" la vie. Pour vous tous.

Photos: Michel Leduc

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sean Connery Workout For James Bond

Who walks on the shadow of the Great Bush? Why

Le Premier ministre du Canada, l'Honorable Stephen Harper, marche sur l'ombre du Président des États-Unis d'Amérique.

Quand Georges W(ar) Bush va en guerre, Stephen Harper s'en va en guerre.

Quand Georges War Bush reçoit le Dalaît Lama à Washington, Stephen Harper recoit le Dalaï au parlement canadien.

Le Premier ministre du Canada a donc remis au Dalaï devant les caméras television, of course honorary. Advertising préélectroale forces. The Right Honorable Prime Minister of Canada presented an honorary GC, meaning Great Canadian.
So the Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama XIV, is officially named GREAT CANADIAN. And he who walks beneath the shadow of GWB is automatically named GC, named BIG CON. That is basically what they say in the corridors of parliament.

The Chinese army has destroyed over 1.2 million Tibetans since the invasion of Tibet by soldiers fanatics GRAND MAO

Curiously, neither the U.S. nor Canada are gone military support, with courage, Tibetan insurgents to hand over, before international television cameras, the red and white flag with a maple leaf flag of Canada and the "U.S. democracy", as they had orchestrated the show publicized in Baghdad After the fall of Saddam Hussein and the destruction of Iraqi chemical weapons. Our Canadian military strategists they feared the reactions of the Chinese army crushed with tanks unarmed Chinese students at the Place Tienanman?

Friday, October 19, 2007

Versİon 1.011 Mount & Blade Serİal Number

went there on the overpass? A ride in armored

As predicted by the early work of the Pierre-Marc Johnson, neither the engineers nor the manufacturers nor Pierre-Marc Johnson, of course, are guilty. According to the findings of the report, the victims up crushed between the cracks of the viaduct under tons of concrete were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Had the carcasses out quickly before it feels "bad." Not lucky victims. Not really lucky, you will add. Okay! God the Father welcomes the souls of the victims adequately. And devoutly hope that there are no overpasses in Paradise "made in Quebec,"

The work of the Commission of Inquiry into the sponsorship scandal had delivered a report ditto thick, thick in the direction thick specify thickness in the direction fleshy and abundant, that is to say that we have prepared a report which concluded that BIG was not in the mandate of the commission to seek the culprits who mysteriously drawn into the coffers of the state. Of course, neither senior managers of the state nor the politicians responsible for the audit of public finances does not Savient that were searched illegally in the state's piggy bank.

And what about the tainted blood scandal?

Why victims of tainted blood have they accepted blood transfusions? They should have known that blood transfusions contminé require parents and friends to walk slowly behind the coffin or urn. Conclusion, Father passes the basket at the funeral. Slander requires, the gossips tell that John makes a big speaker of the Christian twenty dollars Canadian ($ 20) in the cart before distributing alms to the golf balls sponsored by the Government of Canada.

The moral of commissions of inquiry Canada-Quebec is immoral.

The Johnson Commission report should have added that new coffins with handles inside are currently available. The deceased victims can move themselves in front television cameras, a copy of the report under his arm, singing "WE ARE MARCHING TO THE RED CROSS, MY BROTHERS.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Student Initiationsmovies

with BBQ please!

The" Adonis "Canadian forces miraculously well adonnent . According to Julie Roberge, public affairs officer of the Canadian Army in Afghanistsn. it was that small adonis. adonis Adonis or no, for several weeks, Radio-Canada and TVA, remote controlled by Stephan Harper also by remote George W. Bush, trying to sell to Canadians reluctant the importance of Canadian military presence in Afghnistan. On "aid" to rebuild after decades of Afghnistan destruction of the Russian army and the American cowboys flying bombing everything that moves followed by tanks. This activity is called "humanitarian operation".

After a briefing from a cleaning operation kept secret, a group of Canadian soldiers went to clean the place after the U.S. air force has bombed an Afghan village. Men, women, children, old people, were bombed. Cleanup operations successful, comment on journalists. One or two dead Taliban are also charred. And news services Radio-Canada and TVA accept tenders, Service media releases and public relations for the Canadian Armed Forces.

The famous Bernard Derome disguised as a brave soldier, a news anchor at Radio-Canada, have participated in a "barbecue" and a ride in "armored" before writing his guidebook. At the time

journalist 1st Edition, Hydro-Québec had paid a plane trip to James Bay. The trip was free for representatives of the weekly press. We were well received! Like kings.
The briefing hyroquébécoisien speaking, of course, achievements grandiose, creating thousands of new jobs, and work done with concern for environmental protection.

return from James Bay, I wrote an article two pages to tell the brainwashing of the public relations department of Hydro-Quebec. And I published some pictures of the carnage environment.

I do not understand why Hydro-Québecne not ever invited me. I liked both eat like a king menus offered by the Public Relations Department of Hydro-Quebec. The price for this trip was official parrot the statements which were intended to distract critics trumpeted by environmentalists.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Painkillers Before Wax

We must say something.

Canadian soldiers bury the first victims Quebec ordnance in Afghanistan. Public opinion "does not include" political-military issues, say the pro-Canadian politicians guerre.Tout everyone knows that people who criticize political decisions democratically voted "no understanding". This is a pre-recorded cassette political heard a thousand times

Russians massacred the Chechen rebels. The U.S. military massacre the Taliban and Iraqi protesters. Chinese massacre in Tibet. Having received the approbatour U.S. government, the Israeli army bombed civilians not militarized. It crushes the innocent civilians. It passes over the bodies of men, women and children with tanks. It cleans everything with mastodons, large bulldozers to clear all traces of the carnage.

Journalists, comfortably installed in newsrooms, commenting on the exploits of military operations to "cleanse" the rebels, cleaning fanatics and the Taliban. Acts of barbarism. If two Canadian soldiers returned in a coffin, journalists feed on those headlines. They interview members of the bereaved family and friends of victims. The reporters never speak of the number of innocent Iraqi and Afghan operations bombed during "cleaning". Barbaric acts. And military strategists policico-wonder why the suicide bombers and fanatics blow themselves up in the public square, in front of mosques in Afghanistan, Iraq. The "crazy fanatics" leave on the up bloody pieces of their corpses avecet parts of tens, hundreds injured shredded.

course, at the foot of the Statue of Liberty, near New York, there will always come to greet respectfully pious American bravery of soldiers killed to proudly defend the U.S. before the fanatics do attaquenet.

All of us who "do not understand," we must say something. Courageously. Say that politicians do not comprent is wasting our time. We must tell them what we think. Must take to the streets if necessary.
off peacefully in the streets to demand their resignations. Down the street, without violence or acts of barbarism. And say "ENOUGH!"

say enough is enough. ENOUGH! This is possibly the only way to make them hear the voice of public opinion usually silent.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Foto Mucus Egg Soiled Underwear

The joker laughs at his wildcards.

Just a joke. Just joke quickly. Maybe? two jokes to amuse us a little before the postmortem Comedy Festival 2007.
Just for fun, just for laughs, as proposed by Gilbert Rauzen. Just to laugh with with Gilbert Rozon del. Just a thought satirical offered free to the boss's comedy festival.
Let's say the boss repeats these days reporters that the mayor of Montreal lacks vision. It appears that Gilbert was also the view optométricalement embouillée critical when the refusal of Mayor Gérald Tremblay to renew the generous subsidies from taxpayers Montreal. The boss of the Comedy Festival has carried the concept of the show "Just for Laughs" at Toronto. The problem, if there is that Toronto Manager there organize the festival without government funding municpaux without the help of provincial GOVERNMENT or the Big Government of Canada.
no subsidies at all, Mr. Rozon.

- How to achieve this feat, requires a comedian on one of the Toronto scene?

- This is not complicated Mr. Rozon says the comedian, mimicking a conversation with Gilbert.

- In Montreal, we can organize the annual big show without government funding, says with a grin, comedian
succession. The young comedian

adds that the budgets of Montreal are like balloons full blown.
In Montreal, when it takes a sound engineer, the boss Rozon hired four engineers. Sound engineers hired three friends each technicians. Sound technicians, not knowing what to do to justify their fees, Chaun send 300 letters to Madame Mayor Gérald Tremblay to thank her laugh every farce comedians. Sometimes Mrs. Gerald Tremblay to laugh with a small delay of six seconds after smiling shyly stuffing and wild European and Quebecois comedians. Jetlag oblige. Spectators not catching all four levels of humor comedians from Paris, the French star comedian-repeat: "The Joker laughed."
Standing ovation! Yes my friends. Six-minute ovation. The joker laughs
French! The rice is cooked through and past the mixer. Spectators are cramping. The pranks have spent the ramp.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Template Blog Wrestling

seed règlements Why?

Former legal counsel in an international computer company, I decided to go back to college to get my PhD. I am currently in my last year at the Sorbonne University working on seed regulations. The link between the two? I am interested in how regulations can impact markets, drive or prevent innovation, sustain or prevent the creation of new companies...and of course the impact of regulations on the environment, and now more particularly, on biodiversity.

My work on seed regulations started when I was at a conference on free movement of goods. Two farmers claimed that they were not allowed to exchange seeds. Specialised in European Business law, my work is based on principles such as free movement of goods, pilar to the Common market. So I was surprised to hear that such an exchange was regulated or prohibited.

I started looking into the issue and discovered that the EC seed market is one of the most regulated markets today. I am inclined to say that it is even more regulated than the drug market. Indeed, seed regulations cover aspects starting with innovation and breeding, to variety registration (product licence as for drugs), to production rules, to mandatory certification and control, as well as marketing rules.

The field is complex and fascinating. When I started my PhD, people never reacted to my subject unless to ask me if I was working on GM regulations. Now, people link my subject to the consequences of seed regulations on free trade amongst farmers and users of old public domain varieties. This is part of my research, but there is much more. But, at this stage, what it is interesting to note is that over these past few years, the subject has been apprehended by the general public.

My posts here will be dedicated to news updates and deciphering new regulations even those with only slight changes. These texts often go undiscussed, but they often have important consequences for companies, farmers and Sunday gardeners.

Show The Indian Salwarsuit

Why is the right and the seed?

lawyer in an international computer, I decided to return to college to get my doctorate on a topic that fascinates me. I am currently in my final year PhD student at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne working on the issue of regulation of seed. You tell me: what is the relationship between these two worlds? I am interested in the impact of regulation on a market, how it promotes innovation and creates obstacles to him, or the creation of companies it might as well stop ... but also the impact may have regulatory on the environment, especially biodiversity. My

seed research began during a conference on free movement of goods. Two farmers were complaining about not being able to exchange their seeds. Specializing in European Business Law, until my work was rooted in the very foundations of the Common Market, that is to say the free movement of goods. So I was surprised to hear that such exchanges were regulated or even prohibited.

I studied the issue and found that the European market Seed is one of the most regulated markets today. I am even tempted to say that it is more regulated than the drug market. Indeed, regulation of seed covers both issues breeding and innovation, the National List (permissions on the market for varieties (GM or not), production rules, control and certification, and also the rules of marketing.

This area is complex and fascinating. When I started my PhD, few people understand about me, except to ask me if I worked on GMOs. Today, many people ask me questions about the consequence of this regulation on farmers' rights and the use of varieties in the public domain. It's part of my research, but is much broader than that. But what is interesting for me is to see that in recent years, public opinion was appropriate topic.

My Messages here will be dedicated to regular updates on new regulations adopted in France, Europe, and to a lesser extent, the rest of the world. I will focus on the changes that are often unnoticed, but have significant consequences for businesses, farmers, but also the gardeners.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

How To Chat In Tdu Online

Yes I love you so much, I love you all!

When men die they love? When we live for love, there will be more misery and there will be amateur photographers and profesionals to fix eternally beautiful portraits of smiling families.
was last Saturday. July 7. Fourth Festival Jeun'Art.
Deputies municipal politicians, and artists and members of the organizing committee, all soberly dressed up for the official photo and then to celebrate the gift Guestbook offered to the noble town of Most Holy Rédemptoroise. The participants presented so artistically beautiful works artistic, cultural or even beautiful, cute works of art and crafts that reflected their desire to protect the environment.
Coffee, croissants, lagers, salads and sandwiches, makeup, creating a collective work, and the smiles and sparkling eyes of over six hundred visitors on Saturday and Sunday. Marie-Michele Chevrier, Marie-Claude Daoust, Francis Brunet, Catherine Cardinal Bergevin, Stephanie Daoust, Sarah Deschenes, Chantal Dicaire, Cynthia Ferraro, Nancy Isabelle Labrie, Pamela LePage, the duo Isabelle Séguin Maëlle Hardy Simes Tarah and Roxanne Seguin, Eve Marleau, Mylene Roy, Mary Vezina, Stephen Lafreniere Lemieux, Annik Maude, Jonathan Tourigny Caroline Aubry, Carolanne Bordeleau, Anne Tremblay, Benoit Acher, Annie and Anne-Marie Lévesque Fournier, have all cooked up a booth smiled at passersby. Do not forget Benoit Guichard, Huguette Helie, Manon Boislair, Maxence Bradley, Myriam Gaudreault, Maurice Sabourin, Stephane Daigle, Daniel Guindon, Manon Labelle Chistian Lavoie, Benjamin Bradley, Dominic Gaudreault, Scott Read, Nicole Maheu, Suzanne Tanguay and Gravel-Annouchka Galouchko,
In the evening, Saturday evening, more than four hundred people, parents and friends, warmly applauded the talented artists who have mounted scene. You know the talent of Brad Cormier, Helene Deziel, Caroline Morel, Stéphane Pilon, Dominic Marleau, Pamela Remillard, Eve Marleau, Marie-Pier J Di Palma? Everyone was talking about, coming out of the church of the Most Holy Redeemer.

Navy Mary, daughter of the famous Raymond Levesque, sang with a tremor in the voice "The Little King" by Michel Robidoux.
Two winks by way of goodbye. The joy of youth singing on stage, a full dislocation Dyman. It seemed that Mary's gaze Navy we sang passionately: "That I love you."

Above photos: Meili Faille, Bloc Québécois MP is esccortée two young policemen Prince Charming SQ. And of course there is also a portrait of a smiling family, the family of the Young Art Festival with Lucie Charlebois, Member of the County of Soulanges and the Prefect of the MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Normand Menard.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

How Long After Waxing Can You Fake Tan

76 artists say thank you. The real show

The sun had vowed not to miss the artistic event 2007. The weather was commissioned by Garbriel Meunier and Ms. Alda D'Amour-Lanthier, co-leaders of the committee orgasnisateur of cultural activity in art galleries. What a beautiful sun waiting impatiently for the end of June 3000 more visitors. Smiling, the artists prepare their Sunday best booth Mon welcoming on the north and the south side of the Rue St. Jean Baptiste. The wind came from the Sanctuary of Lourdes whispers among rolling green leaves. The activity will be a great success, an unforgettable success. The guest artist Bernard Séguin-Poirier smiled seeing the colors rigaudiennes of Quebec's National Day. Traditional cut the ribbon requires. There's of course it goes without saying that the picture, there is the mayor of Rigaud. And the Prefect of the MRC. And some members of the organizing committee. And yes I will let you identify the other characters on the picture below.

The Jury Prize, consisting of Daniel Bissonnette, and Ms. Nadine Maltais Stephane Lariviere, was awarded to Mrs. Mariette D'Amour and Michele Sullivan.

Ms. Alda D'Amour-Labelle and Louise Lanthier, Ernest Stroetzel. Parson and Louis, received the Prix Coup de coeur.

And the participation rates? Monique Robitaille and Sylvie Groleau.

A Price was also offered Guy Bedard, who lent his gallery artists.

art galleries on the 2007 edition, in the heart of Rigaud, a way to celebrate annually rigaudienne joy to live with the sparkling eyes of artists, artisans, people from home. MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges ..

Monday, June 11, 2007

Praktica B Mount Nikon

Mountain biking

Swab Team Adventure Team organized a bike ride (all at 25 km) June 17, 2007, on a varied and beautiful.

Go for a start at 9:00 instead of Elincourt Ste Marguerite, involvement of 2 euros.

After the success of the Bike Run and organized by the association TRIFERRANT of Emmanuel Chivot, a nice initiative SWAB TEAM ADVENTURE this time.

A Sunday at your bike!

Link to run and bike (photos ...):

Sunday, June 10, 2007

40th Church Anniversary Congratulatory Letter

dixit Bruno Pelletier. Living

Tie classic gentleman style with a silver tie, placed silky, black coat and striped. A vampiress the unforgettable voice waiting in the room, minutes before climbing on the stage. It is the special guest of Bruno. The trio called the Jazz is GrosZorchestre we knows where. The silence interspersed with conversations between friends pass quietly among the tables. Where is Bruno Pelletier?

Thirty minutes before the show, Bruno Pelletier pianosse feverishly on acoustic guitar. The most beautiful male voice of Quebec artvocal is thoroughly heated. Sound tests completed. Bruno Pelletier is preparing mentally. He smiled kindly saw me climb to the second floor, steering box artists. It is "the Zen guy." Bruno was still recall an interview with the weekly Le Point Three Lakes. The tour manager Richard informs me that the next Bruno Pelletier CD will be released in late August. I receive an invitation to the launch préautomnal "somewhere in Montreal City. Professionally

good about yourself, Bruno Pelletier down his guitar and announces to the audience that the real show will begin in the second half. He sings the songs as loved by his fans. He plays the guitar troubadours palyboys and circulates in hand. Said "there are beautiful voices" in the room. He adds that people in the room "can sing tonight." He repeats the song that tells ls difficulties "since you're gone." Heartbreak freshly healed. The song "Manicouagan" hard a few tears. He asked if all lovers in the room. How many months and years? Five years? Several hands. Ten years, twenty years, thirty years? There are still some hands that would travel over clouds with a companion or traveling companion, who wish to cross the gate leading to the Crystal Palace of old lovers. There are two lovers in the room who have celebrated their 50th anniversary as lovers. Bruno said he would offer them "a journey in the South. The South St. Lazare you, he asks? People smile, applaud the heart in turmoil. And Bruno again, for them, the inescapable song popularized by Yves Montand. "I would tant que tu te souviennes...".

Ne me quittez pas. Nous revenons dans quelques minutes, explique Buno Pelletier.

Julie Lamontagne au piano. Contrebasse: Dan Watts. À la batterie? Richard Irwin, le "Johnny Cash" qui avait chanté langoureusement en première partie pendant que Bruno Pelletier faisait se trémousser les sonorités de guitare.

Et Bruno Pelletier qui a souvenance et qui chante en disant:
"Comme mon père
Je me suis construit
Je suis coriace
Et je ne suis plus de votre monde.

La gorge est serrée. Les cordes vocales disent à son père Papa Dad! "Wherever you are," I will sing for you forever.

And Julie, and Richard and Danny and Bruno, a trio four instruments. Piano, drums, bass and acoustic guitar. What a pleasure to play all jazz tunes. The large intestines vibrate rhythmically listeners heard what Bruno Pelletier called "the real show."

Thanks Bruno. Do not forget the invitation to Mr. Gilles.

Photos Michel Leduc

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Gnone Projector Alphax

high voltage with Eric Clapton. Note

Sensitive, touching and generous offender, the gentleman rocker Eric Lapointe is on stage at Maurice. He hung his vocal chords a mélange de sonorités quelque peu nonchalantes et full énergiques. L'émotion chantée sort comme les jets d'un volcan expulsés des entrailles souterraines après plus de cent années de luttes infructueuses. On dirait qu'il aimerait dire "je m'en foutte". Et ben oui que je "vous aime"! Je vous aime tous. Les copains d'abord, chantait Brassens. Eric chante Plume Latraverse comme s'il avait un bâton de dynamite allumé dans la gorge. À chaque spectacle, il reprend l'incontournable Bobépine. Ça spine et ça cogne entre la scène et le bar, si nos commandons le cognac mon commandant... Deux cognacs pour le Commandant, le boss Richard Chartrand. N'oubliez pas un cognac pour la guitare et un brandy for the second guitarist. Remember! Two musicians cognacs and cognac for all buddies in the room!
qualifiers to draw a quick portrait of rocker are only the tip of the iceberg. Tickets were sold out in three days. Packed. It awaits the arrival of Eric Lapointe.

Eric! Eric! Eric!

It'll stir! Yes ma'am, yes sir, the hut will tremble at the earliest sounds of singing bears. Let's talk
photos of the rocker friendly face. The jaws want to chew solid with the rabid rebels and protesters, who are eager to live high voltage, thirst only sing like Eric Clapton can sing! So much to say and sing for those living at high voltage.

Photos Michel Leduc

Friday, June 1, 2007

Digital Prism Small Portable Tv Lcd Flat Screen


June 1 to June 3, 2007 Celebrate Elincourt through the mobilization of the holiday.

Exhibitions at the village hall (tables, archery), and the church (heritage).
Tours Saturday (archery) and Sundays (Communal History and Heritage).
historical reconstructions Napoleon's army facing the castle of Bellinglise. On June 2
theatrical "Madame without embarrassment." Home
9:00 to 10:00 p.m. Saturday and 9:00 to 10:00 p.m. Sunday.


Thursday, May 31, 2007

Pinnacle Media Center 4.7 Vista

Charest + or - 0 Man

Premier Jean Charest announced at noon today on the news that, since the reopening of classes in September 2007, the The announcement could come into force in September 2012, the return of report cards with notes. Completed follies, complete report cards where Ensigns were playing literati. It talked about the new report cards skills transverse students. Pedagogy with the New Age, there was more school failures. There was more passing notes or failure figures on the ballot. There were no pupils who were Joining a second time or third time, second or fourth year of primary school .. With a new student enrolled in second year of primary school oak purple carrot, teachers did not know whether the student was a student who would resume the twice the previous academic year or if that student is a brilliant student who had responded well questionnaires at the end of the school year. Students having passed through the central corridor, called regular classes Séprais classes TGA EStG meaning students learn too frozen, Auto level solar few days before the Feast of Sacrifice to the Prophet John the Baptist.
First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth grade. After ten years of teaching learning and skills, students could count to ten. Bravo Professor!. Two years of degree level Additional college and the student is automatically enrolled in the univerrsité. He has the academic requirements for postgraduate education in advanced mathematics.
Note that the Prime Minister of Quebec Jean Charest, had passed the exams with great success mentioned above. He had acquired the skills trsversaes. He could talk and negotiate with representatives of opposing partispolitiques. He had the know-how and if he had responded well to the final test in mid-June.
Here are answers to Mr. Charest.
If a student from Montreal, 10 km ride to Mont-Orford if he returns to a distance of 7 km, 8 km then rolled towards Mont-Orford, faientreprend turn 180 degrees and roll and 6 km, runs and made a stop 5 km to Mont-Royal.
first question asked the teacher.
- How many miles this student he drove?
Second question.
- "Where is he made this student?"

Response future Prime Minister of Quebec to the first question.

+ or - 0.

answers to the question number 2.

- "The student was parked in front of geographically buildings of the National Assembly, on the left side of the Parliament of Quebec City of Quebec. "

Monique Jerome-Forget, Minister of Finance, Government of Quebec, can it confirm the accuracy of answers of the future prime minister ?

One day soon we hope, Mr. Charest will receive an honorary degree from the University of Quebec Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Pulse In Stomach Where R They

security related to the D 142

Our village is crossed by the D 142.

The town (on Marest Matz, Villers Coudun, Lassigny, Vignemont) have arranged their passage.
The Mayor, however, sought by an association, by residents and some city councilors, has not yet proposed remediation to the problem of traffic will be forthcoming.
negotiating right angle turn, a slope, right cross in the center of the village remains as dangerous but not a development delay.
must secure the crossing pedestrian D142, primarily the pedestrian crossing opposite the hostel that street children use the Rhone to go to school. Ditto for traffic
rue du Rhône, residents have yet made proposals to reduce speed and protect pedestrians, especially children, nothing is done.
In return of school buses, around 16 h15 stop in front of the bus shelter Calvary (D 142 side fields) is unacceptable level in the current situation. Indeed
our youth off the bus directly onto a strip of grass (winter in the dark) and traverse to reach the sidewalk beside bus shelter: no pedestrian crossing is planned!
Again we must create at least one pedestrian or rethink, with the General Council, the bus stop.
The study of interventions aimed at securing the passage of Elincourt is clearly not a priority.
The mission of the elect is to anticipate, listen to the grievances and build the common good. Local residents have conducted studies and proposed developments for a long time, it is time to act.

Before You Get Your Period Do You Get Mucus


residents question the project of the Mayor on the basis of leisure.
woods Bellinglise is indeed the obsession of the Mayor and some Councillors from their sale.
Objectif déclaré dans Oise Hebdo " Mettre ces bois dans l'escarcelle du public ". Depuis chacun s'attend à une communication quant à la précision du projet ... en vain.
Voici donc les infos dont je dispose :

C'est LE projet premier d'ELINCOURT :

Notre commune a le projet de donner un terrain boisé en limite des habitations à la Communauté de Communes du Pays des Sources pour y créer une base de loisirs en 3 phases.
C'est le projet que notre commune travaille ardemment depuis la mise en vente des bois de Bellinglise ( Après un projet premier d'achat et de lotissement).

Phase 1 :
Aire de stationnement de 2400 m2 accessible toute year (cars, campers, buses)
picnic area equipped and maintained
landscaped area for relaxation and pedagogy
Item Information Network
therefore circuit rides for cyclists, walkers and riders.
home space for horses (line of attachment, paddock).

Phase 2: A
playground enclosed and secure
blocks with showers, sinks and toilets in single destination groups.
collective shelters (yard).

Phase 3:
home space tourist information and exhibition space

Area Educational Store
regional products
rental equipment

The operation will be entrusted to the CCPS.

Forecast capital expenditure taxes: land acquisition
3500 euros TTC
Amount investments (works and equipment) 115,414 euros

revenue is expected to cover these expenses (grant of European funds and the general council of the Oise particular). Cost

investment schedules (roads, connections, operation ..), cost 2.3 phases?
studies (market research, site) have been made?
Interest Elincourt?
Is it to create an attractive center there and leave the village center die (Cafe Saint FLOR (communal property), bakery, old post office (communal property))
Your comments about this project in comments Thanks

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Stouffer Outlet Store Hours Solon Ohio


About sixty guests attended the May 12 final at Rigaud City Library, launching the unpublished novel by Robert-Lionel Seguin Fire. COVERS THE LAST OF THE GRAY-published by Editions Trois-Pistoles, was written by Robert-Lionel Séguiin at the age of 19. Robert Lionel became the founder of ethnology Quebec. The Heun man drew on historical events of 1837-38 nationalist pride fighters for the preservation of French language and Catholic religion, and the energy and passion of those who do not again saw their hoods board to defend their corporate interests or personal interests.

Gauhier Jean-Claude, Michel Faubert, Huguette Seguin, George Aubin, author of the preface, Jean-Guy Faubert and Marcel Bouillard stressed the importance of this cultural event.

Jean-Claude Gauthier has performed the song "Man treasure", composed in homage to Robert-Lionel Séguin.

Michel Faubert picked a song to answer that hummed beautifully Robert-Lionel Séguin.


Listen to the story of a man who more than anyone
has surprised
Glad to know that the earth was round
One day left to make more friends
While traveling on the seas and roads
As a small but very great mind
He relayed towns and villages
Older men call
tools of yesteryear
stretched and subjected to his magnificent work
As a tune which failed off
not dynamically work without limit
To give his life
Besides its not

But to understand this man's work,
Who more than anyone has really surprised
Take time
enemble Visit this beautiful story
Living Legend
Memories that resemble us in this beautiful setting

Of man treasure.

Lyrics and music: Jean-Claude Gauthier.

Photos: Michel Leduc.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Garrison 2 Wood Stove Review

The new Tower of Bebel liberal. Simply

gallant and courageous man who offered the seat
the Parti Quebecois leader Pauline to her friend.
Ms. Marois will have a toilet at $ 40 000 for a chair and sit
straw Siberian
quietly sponsored by Quebecor International.

Members of the Johnson Commission does not seek to blame. They know the culprit. The culprit is, tie your string ladies, with a double knot, the culprit so you have the correct answer, the manager is the de la Concorde overpass, the cousin The Duke de la Concorde. If there was no bridge, it is clear that there would be no collapse.

change the subject. The PQ salute the extraordinary courage of the Head of the Bloc Québécois. Mr. Duceppe is so, since this weekend, a brave man after leaving a free passage to the future President of the Parti Quebecois. The polls were saying that Mr. Duceppe could not win the leadership race. So, courageously, Mr. Duceppe is returned to Ottawa to seek a vote of confidence in a model of courage, a hero of modern times.

I know that political opponents will say that Mr. Duceppe is a coward who never nosera dive into a pool half filled with water. Political analysts believe that the boat's PQ is like a boat sailing without a rudder, a boat taking in water. The boat is sinking PLQ too. The Quebec Premier Jean Charest, will inaugurate a tower of Babel in 2011/2012, the mega-Bebel liberal will be surrounded by 22 wind turbines. The blue and white propellers of the turbines will be fed red, it was learned from reliable source, with a remote from Sony for a plant of Hydro-Quebec. This system of dual-energy food, valued at approximately more or less than $ 250 million, is expected if the winds do blow the ADQ in the Quebec City area and Trois-Pistoles and the Gaspé. Engineers have planned the installation of ventilation corridors that will push the winds needed to fonctonnement profitable wind turbines made in West Island and Blanc-Sablon

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Messenger For Mac Name Keeps Changing


In search of a memorable time in sciècle crazy time. Dumas on stage. On stage just to sing the urgency of fixing the time. Not before time slips behind the absences, somewhere between dreams and moments to live intensely. Stop. Stop a few minutes. Just a few short minutes from time for yourself. Time for what we are or what we would be. Dust brief impulsive mingles with light rays. The stage lighting can not be fixed. Dumas arriste authentic sings slowly.

Steve Dumas Dumas attendant and artist. Go!

musicians walk almost silently on stage. The man of the evening is very present here. Yes Dumas is there a little nervous, a little concerned that we do not know what. as if the artist was waiting for the subway station at Maurice Saint-Lazare. Voice honeyed singer's songs will accompany the songs. Are not we drifting? It would be advisable to choose the altitude.



Climb up there ...

Behind the nebulae. It may be here this evening that all will be played on stage at the Bar Chez Maurice.

It's cold. There lbeaucoup heat under the light beams. A show where the cries of the heart go hand in hand with the thirst to hear what the audience want to hear for so long. Niraculeusement turn heads. Winter has returned to Greenland in the land of coldness Siberia. Unforgettable moments eyes closed.

Learning to see the invisible by following the sounds on the guitar.

Is there unloved? Are we the beloved?

Dumas really love is to say to Steve "Good show amigo!" We'll see. We have so many things to say privately.

Photo: Michel Leduc