Tuesday, December 2, 2008

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response to the comic Loik

"Loik" who proclaims himself a Christian, and that after the accused Jews to be "a people perverted" as the Koran says, now accuse of having caused the "mess on the ground" ... another reference: Quranic

Sura 5, verse 64/ou 69: "And the Jews say:" The hand of Allah is closed. " Be their hands tied and they are accursed for saying. Instead, his hands are wide open. He distributes his gifts as he wills. And certainly it has been revealed to thee from thy Lord will make a lot of them growing rebellion and disbelief. We threw among them enmity and hatred till the Day of Resurrection. Whenever Kindle a fire for war, Allah extinguishes it. And strive to do mischief on EARTH Allah loveth not those who create disorder. "

"Loik" still asserts that the Bible (Jewish ...) contradicts the nationalist and pan-European ideas, but as against a "good Christian" of "True Blood" as he could have those ideas.

Bad luck, that's yet to prove a breach of the Bible:
"salvation is from the Jews." (Gospel of John 4.22).
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." (Paul of Tarsus in a letter to the Galatians 3.28).

Loik is above all a great comic.

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New message "Loik"

December 2, 2008 16:45, Loik Neuelsasser wrote:
Decidedly you force me to meet you again when one of my opinions should be enough to tell you all the evil that we think of you.
You, of course it is the worshiper v. ..... because you are not Christian, except to be like Sarko and Co.
How many writings of the Bible contradict our opinions nationalist and pan-European then?
What was said in our church before the Second World War (more precisely up to Vatican 2) about you, vile people?
We do not deceive us about you so much corruption in the earth is yours. Vive la France
Christian, although you thought I did not.
I am the pure product of France that you have debased the spirit, culture and so do not be surprised ....., point of my references plural ..........( I will be Muslim your eyes, this one is funny but it reflects the reality that Muslims, too, are not fooled by your games)

you are the true representative of degenerate art was talking about my ancestor The most famous

Go to shortly before the truth will triumph over your propaganda.

Honor to real blood

Friday, November 28, 2008

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Reminder ideas SIOE: excerpt from the call for the demonstration of our response to

Vraissemblablement, more than any other continent, Europe has suffered for his current conditions of liberal democracy happy.
Centuries of international conflicts and civil wars, the most notable of course being the two world wars of the twentieth century, were endured by ordinary people in Europe.

Certainly century of Cold War and conflicts are not the monopoly of Europe.
The U.S. suffered its own civil war, China and Russia, are still clearing the rubble of the revolution of the road to democracy.

From centuries of internal conflicts in Europe, have blossomed the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, which brought the fruits of democracy.

men and women free thinking have shaped the system fragile and imperfect, with its many nuances, which nevertheless has survived and grown because of its intrinsic goodness and popularity.
Democracy in turn has enabled these lucky people to enjoy its benefits, training from the most productive medically, scientifically and artistiqement, which we call "the West". Many works

West arrived in the period since the Second World War and its peoples determined defended their hard-won principles of democracy and freedom against the totalitarian doctrine of communism.

By winning the second World War and the Cold War, the West won two of its greatest enemies, a cancer of Nazism, the other the contagion of Communism.

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11-9-2007 email (see previous posts)

Those whom you consider "big brother people", "Loik," the German generation Hitler considered the "real French" like crap belonging to an inferior race, as Islam considers the "Christians" as "miscreants" to dominate and lower (9-29 Quran), that is like crap.

And you dare say "real French" with admiration that?!

Those who gave their blood for the liberty of France, there are those "real French" and they called as they were called Mendès France Jean Moulin and Charles Peguy.

As for your reference to the golden calf ... if you were a Christian like you say, unless it has Marcionite you would have read the Bible, and you would know that the conviction of worship the golden calf is written in the Bible ... as the strong condemnation of all idolatry in general ....

you are probably only a Muslim, or Islam considers the Bible, the Gospels were forged, and thus gives himself a Muslim observing rarely bother to read the Bible.

Neither politicians you mention (which SIOE is not tied more than any other political party) does not say what you write you, namely: "We have set the same goal as partially achieved it decades ago by my brother Deutsch great people. " On the contrary both have explicitly condemned in writing or verbally, the genocide of Jews, and both tell and retell one having offered his services to the Resistance, the other that his father was resistant and that he is proud.
Again, your post is misleading.

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response "neuelsasser" (see second last post)

On 28 November 2008 11:40, Loik Neuelsasser wrote: ------------------------------


Your reply to me the more of my choices.
Whatever the directory (new or old, Christian or Muslim or Jew) in which I draw my vocabulary to unmask you, is that in my time, the fact is that we are more likely to understand your little game that lasts forever.
Much of France has fallen asleep and has not done the work necessary to warn us against the danger of the lobby of worshipers o. .. of ..
You are here, everywhere you interfere in our lives, our business, this in order to dominate.
Your reference to Hansi and the pro-French is your choice but know that we never see you as ours and we take good care of you when the time comes, do not lower your guard.
As for true patriots, those who have not delivered our country to turnkey worshipers o. .. and those you have our full respect.Etes same real-you French or you are the likes of Sarkozy, Lelouch, Strauss Lang, Fabius, Hollande, Buffet, Moscovici, Drucker, etc. ................ galore . Where are the Christians in this? If egg Le Pen and De Villiers ......................

Friday, November 21, 2008

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response to email received

Loik You advocate? (It's Alsatian "Loik??)
Involved In what party you?

"People perverse" you say? You mean "traitor" without doubt? Because "evil" is the Koran ... not anti-Semitism of Christians.

Grand Deutsch brotherly people "... frankly "Loik," a pro-German, Alsatian, you are the shame of Alsace (1), and you may still write German properly.

You should talk about your "big brothers" who distributed the leaflets in Durban at the UN conference on racism, the "big brothers" who had alliances with the brother nation of Hitler.

You should also avoid anachronisms by using words that person no longer uses anti-Semitic in France for a century, like the word "Youtrerie" One feels at once something wrong, manufactured, fake, do you see? ...
As French, we are sensitive to Good Use, do not offend our cultural sensitivities, thank you.

Last but not least, stop trying to put the Alsatians for anti-Semitic, or you'll regret.

Dr. Hans im Schnockeloch,
Hett alles was er Will
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D'r Hans im Schnockeloch
Hett Alles what he wants.

Dr Hans in Schnockeloch,
can do everything he wants, he can
This makes it Nitt
Un what he does,
Gerot Nitt ehm.
D'r Hans im Schnockeloch,
Can do everything he wants what.

Dr Hans in Schnockeloch, Anne wo'n
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Un wo'n esch, blit he
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Thurs Gfallts's ehm Nitt. will
D'r Hans im Schnockeloch,
If he wo'n Anne.

Dr Hans in Schnockeloch,
Sajt aalle what he wants, what he
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the Hanseatic League in Schnockeloch,
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Dr Hans in Schnockeloch,
düet all he wants, what he
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D'r Hans im Schnokeloch,
düet everything he was.

(1), enfin, soyons plus juste, ce sont les Allemands en 1898 qui la grande synagogue de construisirent Strasbourd to demolish en 1940 par les nazis ...

Bref: vous êtes certainement un "Neuelsasser, vraiment très" New ".

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Le 21 novembre 2008 11:02, Loik Neuelsasser wrote:

"Hello I'm

activist Alsace to defend our land Alsatian, European and Christian

You can keep dreaming if you think we Christians are going to support your Jewish scam of making your job.
We do not want the Islam of course, but no question that this will serve your interests.
You try to mobilize public opinion towards Islam, we will return the money because that brought millions of people in Europe if it is better you to dominate us.
We set the same goal as partially achieved ago decades by my brother Deutsch great people.
You are a perverse people, hypocrite, coward, always a traitor.
We'll never be fooled because we can read between your lines .................. Outside

youtrerie "

Friday, October 31, 2008

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Thesis: Seeds and right

For information, my theory was right on line (click here ).

Seed Law and

The influence of a dominant economic model on sectoral regulation

Economic models of the "seed sector" are plural. But regulation does not take into account that one of them. His technical rules are directed to meet the specific varieties designed for commercial agriculture alone productivist practices and hinder economic characteristics of parallel models.

This thesis aims to assist in the understanding of those rules unclear, its development, its implementation, its limitations and its consequences, which clarifies the legal context of the industry. On the other hand, it shows that all rules proposed or developed by the regulatory authority are shaped by economic and institutional model prevailing in their own interests and harm to other models. However, il est possible qu’une autre réglementation puisse être élaborée, qui garantisse la pluralité, la viabilité et la spécificité de chacun des modèles concurrents.

Seeds and the Law

Sectoral regulation governed by one business model

The seed supply chain is governed by a variety of business models. Seed regulation, however, is informed by just one single model. Current regulation, in France , is technical and market directing; geared to the specific needs of commercial high-yield agriculture varieties. Such regulation stands in the way of practices typical of other business models.

The aim of this study is to shed light on these relatively unknown regulations. To clarify the legal framework governing the seed supply chain from its draft through to its implementation, while considering its constraints and its consequences. Moreover, this study will show that all regulation planned or developed by regulatory bodies is shaped by the economic and institutional actors of the dominant model in line with their own interests and against the interests of other models. However, alternative regulation Can Be Developed That Guarantees The multiplicity, Viability and specificity of Each Of The Competing models.

I defended my thesis June 17, 2008 at the University of Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne. This thesis has received high honors with the congratulations of the jury unanimously.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

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Evaluation of Community legislation on Article

The Evaluation of the Community legislation On The marketing of seed and plant propagating material has now Been finalized Across And The postponement has-been published is DG SANCO's website [Web site: http: / / ec.europa.eu / food / plant / propagation / evaluation / index_en.htm ].

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

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Rue 89 about lobbying

Interesting article from Rue 89 on lobbying and conflicts of interest: How to fight against lobbies that beset members , David Servenay.

And a little personal reflection in response to this article.

"There are also significant conflicts of interests with lobbies when they are entrusted with public service by the State.

This is particularly true in the agricultural environment where there significant conflicts of interest (interest general and private interests). For example, in the seed sector, Groupement National Interprofessionnel des Semences (GNIS) has a monopoly of representation in the seed sector in France (there is no form of membership, the office represents GNIS these actors This, incidentally, is in complete contradiction with the principle of freedom of association).

He vigorously defends the interests of private companies are best represented within it from our elected officials and institutions. But at the same time, the GNIS is responsible for public service missions. For example, it provides for the State, control and seed certification in France. However, utilities require strict impartiality to assert the public interest over private interests.

result, lobbyists are not only present to MPs, senators and government departments to influence offered amendments already fully prepared. They are also the stages of the implementation of the texts as they are sometimes responsible for the implementation of these laws or regulations.

Hence the question: do we have the right to delegate missions of public services to interest groups? "

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

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Islamization: the meaning of this term

In French, the President of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Alija Izetbegovic (1925-2003): The manifest

Al-Buraq, Paris-Beirut, 1999 (written in 1970)


"It is impossible for a true Muslim gives his life for the cause of an emperor or a governor, what that is the notability of it, nor for the glory of a nation, party, or what resembles them [...]. The Muslim defies death for Allah's sake or for the glory of Islam, if he leaves the field of battle. "

" The comprehensive definition of the Islamic order is: Unity of Religion and law, education and force, ideals and interests, spiritual society and State, all with the harmonization of spontaneity and obligation. "

" From In general, the Muslim does not exist as an individual independent. "

" It is indeed not possible that a peace or coexistence occurs between the Islamic religion and social institutions and non-Islamic policies. "

" There is no principle of secularism.

"Islam has the idea of" nation "in the sense of trend and aspiration to unite all Muslims in one community, religious, cultural and political."

"Instead of 'abstract equality, Islam provides to women love, marriage, children, and all that that means to her. "

" In reality, the Qur'an does not command us to love our enemies, but we ordered in formal terms to be fair and forgiving .(...) It is therefore necessary that the use of force fits this principle. "

"The Islamic movement may, or rather should begin with the seizure of power since it has a great deal of moral power and digital which allows not only to overthrow the government un-Islamic, but also to establish the new Islamic power. "

" There can be no peace or coexistence between Islamic faith societies and political institutions and non-Islamic. .. Islam clearly excludes the right and opportunity activity on its own grounds of some ideology alien to Islam whatsoever ... and the state must be an expression of religion. "

" Islam can not coexist with any other religions in the same state, except as an expedient in the short term. In the long term, cons after becoming stronger in any country, Muslims have a duty to seize power and create a truly Islamic state. "

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

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London: SIOE demonstration of September 11


EVENT IN LONDON, September 11, 2008 at


THEME: NO SHARIA HERE! No Sharia here!

Lambeth Palace Lambeth Palace Road

London, SE1 7EH
start: 18.00 end
: 20.00

Friday, August 1, 2008

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SIOE demonstration Aug. 23 in Aarhus

At Aarhus, one of the oldest cities in Scandinavia, in the middle of Denmark, Greenland were from the home, from the city, following repeated attacks of Muslims. GAINST

Protest racism and the "nazislamism!

August 23, 2008 12 am to 14 pm

Bring flags of Greenland.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

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How do I know if a variety is protected by a certificate of plant variety?

To determine if a variety is protected by a plant breeder's right or not, he must make a double check to determine if the variety is protected by a Community certificate (under Regulation 2100/94) or a French certificate (under the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code).

Community Plant Variety Right:

must first be carried out and check if the variety is protected by a Community plant variety right. There is an online database that allows you to type the name of the variety: www.cpvo.europa.eu (link is to the second page, bottom left) If the plug appears, it give the date of application for protection and finish.

For example, the potato Lady Florina was protected in 1996, but noted in the record that the variety is no longer protected since 2005 (probably because the breeder has stopped paying annuities).

NB Please note that this database has no official status with regard to legislation governing CPVO. The Official Newsletter of the Community Plant Variety Office remains the only official publication of information entered in the Register of Community plant variety.

Plant Variety Law French:

At the French level, it is more difficult to determine if a variety is protected. There is no base line data on the website of the Committee PVP. should therefore in principle:

  • it is possible to call the CPOV to ask the question directly because the CPOV is responsible to keep the National Register of Plant Breeders under Article R623- 27 of the Code of Intellectual Property;

  • otherwise requires access to a copy of Official Bulletin Board of the Plant Variety Protection : Article R623-28 indicates that "the grant of plant variety certificate is issued Official Bulletin of the Committee for Protection of New Varieties of Plants within three months from the date Delivery notification made to the owner of plant breeders' rights ".
Neither the National Library of France, or the library of the INPI have a version of the Bulletin, but the CPOV must have a copy.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Macte Virtute! Factum Optime!

Common Catalogue - Common Catalogue

The Commission has created an online database with the varieties common to the catalogs. This database is regularly updated. Note, however, that the only binding versions published in the Official Journal of the European Union on paper or electronically authenticated.

The Common Catalogue of agricultural plant species: click here
The Common Catalogue of Vegetable Species: click here

An online database With Every registered Variety In The Common Catalogue est disponible On The Commission's website. Please note That only paper or e-version of The Official Journal of the European Union are regarded official.

Common Catalogue of Varieties of agricultural plant species

Common Catalogue of Varieties of vegetable species

Monday, March 31, 2008

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Opening of a new class

National Education, at the last Joint Technical Committee, confirmed the opening of a new class on the RPI Elincourt / Marest for September 2008.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Congratulations Baby Shower Message

Summary of City Council March 27, 2008 Mr.

Record subject well have heard (it's sometimes difficult):
Council City, 19 H 30 14

present (Mr Dequin abs)
agenda over an addition on the right of first refusal (formal amendment).

1 / municipal committees Constitution: Mr Mayor is the Chairman of each Committee .

MRs MICHEL, TESTED, Dequin, Baillet, MITTELETTE MRS Frasier.

MRs Dequin, Devillers, Mrs GRANGEON, ASSELIN


MRs Dequin, LEDOUX, Baillet, Devillers, MICHEL

MRs Dequin, Baillet, TESTED (Holders)

4 Members elected: Mrs. MITTELETTE, Vanbremeersch, Ms. Frasier, ZNIQA
4 Members appointed by the Mayor, in the week.

Question / Finance Committee: The Mayor says it is not mandatory, so no Finance Committee.
Question / Planning Commission: The Mayor says we can create it when you want.

SIVOM Elincourt / Marest:

Members: MRs Dequin, Hooray

Substitutes: MS Frasier, MR Vanbremeersch

SIVOM Lassigny:
Substitutes: MS LEBLOND, MR Vanbremeersch

Substitutes: MRs LEDOUX, Dequin

2 / Rating delegations to the Mayor.

3 / allowance to the Mayor and Assistants:

Voted unanimously for 80% of the maximum rate.

4 / Street Bridge Works Abbot
Collection of 50 m for drainage of rain water to be carried out urgently. QUOTE

MR Mayor fact response to the letter of Mr Bertrand:

1/The Common always knew the easement on the land built.
2/Non, the PVR has not been passed by the town, so the town must fund.
3 / The proposed development complete? It is expected.

Vote unanimously to carry out the work.
Vote unanimously with one abstention to award the work to lowest bidder.

4 / Ceremony on May 8 in conjunction with Veterans: wine reception and dinner.

5 / Local fair the 3rd weekend of May.
Saturday evening dance
Sunday and Monday rides.
Sunday: Parade of Cheerleaders Coudun
Monday, after 17 hours, shooting contest

6 / Right of first refusal: preemptions on the areas U and UA.

7 / sewage treatment plant at Long Pré: The Mayor has appealed to legal advice: the station is on council land.

8 / The path between two ponds, the castle is communal: the project to achieve a way.

9 / Roadworks for the last home of Maladrerie Street: draft guide stormwater until the D 142.

10 / Update on the maintenance of the Rhone he: subsidence, pruning

11 / Deterioration of the road after the D Street CHOQUET by the farmer (evocation)

12 / Flea of ELINCOURT of 12 to 10 p.m.

13 / visibility and positioning of the stop sign Rue du Rhone he, proposed remediation.

Meeting for Budget, April 9 to 19 hours.
Meeting adjourned at 21:30.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

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The case Kokopelli

About Kokopelli case: the Judgement of the Criminal Chamber of the Court of Cassation rendered January 8, 2008 has been posted on the site legifrance: click here.

The Case IS Kokopelli published online in French: link

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Hooray elected Mayor of Elincourt

Saturday, March 15, at 10 hours, the new Municipal Council met to elect the Mayor and Deputy.

Elected Mayor: Mr. Hurray (candidates: Mr Hooray)

Elected 1st Deputy: Mr. Devillers (Mr DEVILLERS candidates, Mr MITTELETTE)

Elected 2nd Vice President: Mr. TESTED (TESTED Mr candidates, Mr MITTELETTE )

Elected 3 rd Vice President: Mr. Dequin (Mr Dequin candidates, Mr MITTELETTE)

A fourth was elected Deputy: Ms. Asselin (Ms. ASSELIN candidates, Mr MITTELETTE)

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Elincourtoises, Elincourtois,

The municipal largely mobilize voters (74% of voters) and led to the election of the list led by Jean-Claude Hooray.
Good luck to this team for the exercise of its mandate.

I warmly thank the 214 voters (46%) who gave me their votes, their confidence, support.

Our team did a great job, research, documentation studies for the construction HQE standards of a school in the village.

Technical studies, visits to treatment plants of different types, led us to prefer a treatment project wastewater lagoons.

We were ready to build the future of Elincourt, as a citizen with you.

What I take from this campaign is the wealth of human contacts, high quality of our project and our commitment to openness.

elected I hope the list will be based on our proposals for the next six years and may follow his program: to control development and preserve the environment with good financial management.

Elincourt voted and must now regain its cohesion, its unity, for the good life for everyone.

I extend to all and all the best expression of my feelings.


Saturday, March 8, 2008

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Tomorrow, voting

Elincourtoises Dear, dear Elincourtois,

the eve of the vote so you have the choice between Mr Hourriez and his attacks on the person and the team ELINCOURT DESERVES OUR COMMITMENT bearing a future project for our village.

tomorrow, with you I trust,


Saturday, March 1, 2008

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Madame, Mademoiselle, Monsieur,

9 and 16 March next year we will elect new City Council Elincourt Sainte Marguerite.

is why we have assembled a team of motivated men and women ready to invest in our village.

We want to listen to people, manage our common consistency, transparency for the public interest.

OUR FINDING: The municipality appears to be lethargy

school buildings, childcare (extracurricular), unresponsive, for several years, needs of students and teachers (dilapidated buildings, inadequate, multiple sites, lack of security ...).
Children should cross the Departmental D589 to enjoy the playground located rue de l'Abbaye!

Road safety as a recurrent theme is still valid. The problems raised by residents concerned have not found answers and are not resolved.

associations have more room available for meetings, sports facilities are in constant degradation: field Tennis is unusable, the local football stadium would require a complete overhaul.

communal buildings suffer from a lack of maintenance. Some grants have not yet been exploited, which may reduce or limit their impact when these works will be programmed. (Eg the school façade of the Abbey Street - 2003)

The lack of anticipation and foresight do not promote recovery of Lands and Forestry (eg poplar).

local finances are not up to the projects announced. What is working capital?
Taxpayers would like to know why the town has donated three acres of wood Land of sources.
Who will fund access to the Leisure Centre?

OUR COMMITMENTS: Clairvoyance, consistency, transparency and fairness.

FOR THAT ELINCOURT can move forward we need:

Launch Project "school group" : nursery, primary, canteen, school care.
New High Quality Environmental standards will Part of our approach.
Wide consultation will be conducted with the people and especially with parents, teachers, the General Council of the Oise, National Education and the Municipality of Marest On Matz.

Implement the proposed remediation expected and desired by the inhabitants.
We will be attentive to the impact of water prices charged to our citizens. Scalable systems will be favored for the treatment of wastewater. (Former lagoons).
We prefer the Régie Communale (lower water prices).

Conduct development of road safety in a very short time, however, consistent with the next yard cleanup.

Re-boost trade by encouraging the reopening of the bakery, promote the creation of a grocery store nearby.
The craft and trade have all our support. The implementation of new activities
will be defended.

Restructure Village Square and its surroundings, and take the opportunity to adopt a choice of planting in consultation with local residents.
perennials and flowering shrubs will be preferred for the convenience of our municipal employees and reduce costs (drinking water, maintenance).

FOR ELINCOURT that innovates, we will:

Install youth council to allow our children to take part in the development of the village and discover citizenship.

Create a website "Sainte Marguerite Elincourt" to make available all relevant information and necessary and the minutes of City Council and the decisions taken by the different structures of local authorities.

Develop genuine dialogue and encourage genuine communication or by traditional means (paper documents) or modern (electronic mail).

Make available a computer room and library so that people can familiarize themselves with the internet (job search, writing and sending resumes, ...).
This room will also serve as a forum between youth and elders.

FOR ELINCOURT turned towards the future, we must:

Setting priorities: School Group, Sanitation, Safety Road.

Protecting our water collection wells
in consultation with the State Services, the Chamber of Agriculture and farmers to ensure the quality of drinking water.

Stopper damage structures sports and rehabilitation.

Supporting projects restoring small, easy installation files application (Ex: the development of the mill Valois is a project that deserves the participation of the Cultural Services of the Picardy region, the General Council Oise and the Pays des Sources).

Provide assistance to our sports and cultural associations.

We commit to keep the old quarry and municipal ban its operation.

develop our village in a reasonable way to preserve the landscape.

team motivated for the future of Elincourt:

Alain Bertrand, school psychologist

BOUSARD Daniel, a retired truck driver

Dany Chevalier, childminder

Michel COGET, team leader

Annie Delobel, schoolteacher

Lawrence DIDELET Technician methods

Stephanie Godin, schoolteacher

Dankert Knook, a retired internal auditor
former Deputy Mayor for Finance

Lagathu Virginia, branch manager Rene

Lobert Controller of work in retirement
former alderman

Perroz Navy, leader of society

Jonathan POLLEUR, student BTS

Gerard Poulin, professional beekeeper

Dominique Thiébaut, commercial inspector training

Tucholski Joseph, retired former
Mayor Assistant work

Thursday, February 28, 2008

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Better Regulations: Seed regulation to Be reviewed

The current body of European seed laws forfaitaire up of 12 basic guidelines

  • Council Directive 2002/57/EC of 13 June 2002 on the marketing of seed of oil and fibre plants
  • Council Directive 68/193/EC of 9 April 1968 on the marketing of material for the vegetative propagation of the vine
  • Council Directive 1998/56/EC of 20 July 1998 on the marketing of propagating material of ornamental plants
  • Council Directive 92/33/EEC of 28 April 1992 on the marketing of vegetable propagating and planting material, other than seed
  • Council Directive 92/34/EEC of 28 April 1992 on the marketing of fruit plant propagating material and fruit plants intended for fruit production
  • Council Directive 1999/105/EC of 22 December 1999 on the marketing of forest reproductive material Many of these date back to the sixties and seventies. As the balance of priorities has changed over the years, with elements such as food safety, traceability, new technologies and environmental aspects becoming more prominent, plus the expansion of the EU to now span 27 Member States, newer legal instruments may be more appropriate to regulate the marketing of S&PM to the benefit of both users and suppliers.

The Commission has therefore decided to review the legislation (the acquis) on the marketing of seeds and plant propagating material, as part of its better regulation initiative.

The first step of this review process consists of an evaluation of the current acquis. This should provide documented answers on the strengths and weaknesses of the current system for achieving the set objectives, or highlight the need to set new objectives in order to respond to new and anticipated challenges.

An equally important aim is to explore the possibilities for simplification and a reduction of administrative burdens on both public authorities and private sector stakeholders.

The evaluation will be carried out by external consultants (the FCEC consortium), assisted by a Steering Group composed of a balanced mix of experts from a number of Member States and from the Commission's services.

The task of the Steering Group is to assist in drafting the terms of reference and the questionnaire, and to ensure the quality of the final report.

On the basis of the recommendations to be contained in the final report, the Commission will then draft an action plan, laying out a programme for putting into practice any suggested reforms.

The FCEC launched a survey on 18 February 2008 to collect the views of stakeholders regarding the current Community acquis on the marketing of seeds and propagating material and to gather suggestions for the future. The deadline for returning the survey questionnaire is 11 April 2008.

The survey questionnaire is available in Word format and online .

Instructions have been drawn up to help you to fill in the online questionnaire. But before doing so, we strongly advise you to print the document in Word format, study the various questions, select those that are relevant to your organisation and prepare your answers. Please do not fill in the questionnaire directly online. If you prefer to fill in the Word version of the questionnaire instead of the online version of it, please feel free to do so and then return it by e-mail to lvn@bvdmc.com .

In order to ensure transparency of the process and to keep everyone informed of developments, validated information will be added to this site as the evaluation exercise progresses.
Click on the following links to find more information of the steps taken so far.
assessment in a nutshell
Agreed Terms of Reference for the Evaluation
Accepted offer From The CCF
Introduction letter

Thursday, February 7, 2008

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Law and old varieties: the case Kokopelli

The condemnation of the Association Kokopelli

The Association Kokopelli was sentenced before the Regional Court in Nancy in December 2007 in the lawsuit filed by the company and Baumal before the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court in January 2008 in the case against the GNIS (of inter- seeds) and FNPSP (National Federation of Producers of vegetable seeds).

The reaction of the Secretary of State for Ecology

According AFP, Wednesday, January 6, 2008, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, Secretary of State for Ecology, said that an amendment will be proposed as part of Grenelle law to authorize the marketing of old varieties. The reaction


The GNIS has reacted very quickly with a press release on its site to a tune.

It is for us here to provide the necessary details.

Catalog created at the request of breeders

First, it is said in the statement that the Official Catalogue of Varieties "was created by the state in 1932 at the request of farmers." You should know that his creation was requested by the seed primarily because of the unfair competition which was detrimental to market new varieties selected. All historical references indicate (1). It is only very recently that the GNIS said in its press releases or news articles that would have been at the request of farmers.

Farmers have not been applicants for such regulation. And home gardeners even less.

The old varieties should be registered until 1960

Also be aware that this Catalogue, created in 1932, was initially optional. It was not obligatory to register a variety in order to commercialize it. It is since 1949 that all new varieties are required to be registered. From 1960 any variety - new or not (see old) - must be added to the catalog. But from the moment of the listing requirements make it almost impossible to catalog entry or remaining in the Catalogue of old varieties.

The purpose of seed regulations: governing the marketing of seed sold to farmers, not those sold to fans

Added to this is that all this regulation was put in place to govern the marketing of seed to farmers professionals. There was never a question of regulating the varieties sold to amateurs. But as to the years, especially when the market varieties of seeds sold to fans has become a lucrative market (amateur gardening is a sector that has experienced strong growth since the 1990s), it was felt, France, the regulation also applied seed to seed now sold to amateurs. Because the regulations did not specifically limited its scope to only seeds sold to farmers professionals, it has been applied to the seed sold to amateurs, although perfectly inadequate.

The wrong solution: the register amateur

The inability to include many old varieties has led to the opening of a registry for old varieties sold only to home gardeners in 1997. This was to control the market, while simplifying the rules. But impose a system of prior authorization for placing on the market for this type of sale is disproportionate and unjustified. Seed regulation was justified by problems of quality of seeds sold to farmers. But what concerns small quantities of seed sold to amateurs, such a scheme is not justified and raises the question of its legality under free trade.

Moreover, the cost of registration is important for sales of small quantities. Although GNIS say that registration is free of old varieties, it is not official. The registration fee schedule 2007, reflects: each entry is officially $ 249, 63 € (Source: All prices are quoted in a document online GEVES , testing organization for inclusion in the Catalogue). (The link to the 2007 rates no longer working, we add that to the 2008 rates: click here , listings of old varieties are now over 250 €).

The debate about the conservation of biodiversity is, in turn, a pool of arguments that drowns the debate. Both sides claimed to be the protector of biodiversity. Everyone contributes in its own way. The GNIS

, a representative "mandatory"

Regarding indications about the GNIS in the late release, he said represent "all the professionals of the seed sector. It is important to understand that current regulations require all professionals to register with the GNIS and, where applicable, comply with specific conditions for obtaining a business card. Without it, these actors can not legally practice their profession. That's because it's mandatory that GNIS represents "the entire industry." If the players had a choice, it would probably not the case.

figures, while a debate

Finally, on the impressive figure of 32,000 varieties: it actually represents the number of varieties listed in the Common Catalogue managed at EU level by the European Commission. It is by no means the number of varieties registered in the French Catalogue (6500 by GNIS), much less the number of varieties actually available to buy in France. Indeed, it is not because a variety is the official catalog it is actually sold. The figure for the number of varieties actually marketed must be much lower, but there are no official figures are given, perhaps because it would be much less flattering.

Much remains to say about this surprisingly complex and poorly understood. This is the purpose of my thesis, I am just finishing "The seed and the right".

(1) In this sense, Emile Schribaux (1923), Pierre Jonard (1951), GNIS pamphlets before 2000, for example GNIS, Seeds "certified" Cereal: The Treasure Within, GNIS No. 701, April 1970.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Methed Of Masterbutation

City Council Meeting Friday, February 8 on the PLU

City Council will meet Friday, February 8 at 7:15 p.m., Council Chambers in City Hall of 'Elincourt Sainte Marguerite.
The PLU (Plan Local d'Urbanisme), here is not only a planning regulation is also a village project. For the future
Elincourt and communicate the objectives of the municipality through this project, part of future developments, note that meeting.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

How To Make Uhf & Vhf Balun



is for February 24, 2008: note this appointment on your calendar!

Each year a new course, participate in biking, running, organization.

Go straight to the site of RUN AND BIKE, follow the links.

And watch the great shot of the mill!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Nepali Songs With Lyrics And Chords

File / Ecole positive energy

LIMEIL BREVANNES School, in Val de Marne, is the first school to positive energy.
is a school labeled "zero energy" which was designed in close collaboration with local residents.
is the vanguard of low energy buildings.
Special emphasis is given to natural light not to use artificial light.
orientation of the building is designed to cover a large portion of the heating due to radiation from the sun.
This school has an on- insulation and triple glazed windows. It recovers energy from the air through a dual-flow ventilation.
heating technology integrates heat pump that draws heat from the water table.
Facades and roofs of photovoltaic panels that host produce DC and AC as a result of inverters. The current product is thus compatible with the electricity supplied by the network. Fed into the grid electricity that is bought by EDF.
The hot water opens a large part in the sun. Other common
embark successfully in an era of low consumption: the construction of maternal Françoise DOLTO in ECHIROLLES, renovating a school in Langouet HQE standards in Britain, with considerable energy savings.
To think for our future school Elincourt Sainte Marguerite.

http://www.limeil-brevannes.fr/ (see files)

http://www.novethic.fr/ (see green buildings and passive school record in Germany)

Images Of Caravel Ship Labeled Parts

Municipal elections

Throughout our meetings in Elincourt, meetings on the Local Development Plan, as during the festivities, a group was created that wants to watch the future of our village.
We decided to enter a team in the upcoming municipal elections, a team with broad vision, open to dialogue with residents, a team of men and women representative of social diversity whose policies will Elincourt .

We want to build some serious projects: school priority.
Teacher, I see as many desperate need of a functional and modern school to accommodate the new generation.
A school extracurricular gathering services (reception and canteen), a welcoming school with a dormitory for children, a school with a structure allowing the practice of physical and psychomotor, as called for national education programs .
This school will integrate our eyes at once new technologies in construction, insulation and heating.
should also seriously consider the site of implantation, think about future developments.
We have begun consultation with Elincourtois, we will continue and amplify it, everyone can make their proposals, we will consider this project will explore with the council of the municipality on Marest Matz.

We also need to support trade and craftsmen Elincourt.
must create a new trade (depending on the future of the bakery).
The closure of the latter is a disaster for the village, especially for the most sensitive: those who can not travel outside the village. Certainly there are other ways to get supplies but not for maintaining social ties, meetings, dialogues, exchange of services. Former
as women and unemployed men, have no purpose for their daily output and find themselves under threat of isolation.
We must come together and imagine a new business if the bakery does not restart. The

security must be started from scratch: you must develop the village in its passage: Rue du Rhone Rue du Marechal Leclerc, street fountains, cross the hamlet of the swab, place de Lattre de Tassigny. We must consider creating hurdles (Flowering shrubs) and amenities that will enhance Elincourt but also constitute favorable visual screens to decrease speed.
We must break the isolation of the stage and stop the deterioration of facilities.

The Local Plan Planning , currently in public inquiry involves the construction of a multitude of houses. We need the inhabitants move about the format of Elincourt: do we want a town of about 800 residents that continues to evolve over time or want to quickly move beyond the 1000 population?

Sanitation is another matter to work and complete his term.

Our priorities will be aimed at the most "sensitive" young and the elderly.
A modern school has an after school is already an answer to the best social and cultural adaptation of youth, other responses may arise in consultation with teenagers and young adults (management and use of existing stuctures, proposals for new activities ). You have to work around hosting possibilities and activities offered to young people on Wednesday. To our seniors
should be offered the opportunity to live at home in good condition, with proposals for aid: port meals on wheels, can be delivered races at home, health services, home visits. Should be offered social ties, especially for single people or disabled, the isolation amplified by the successive disappearance of the post office, butcher, bakery.

We want to take over all proposals, discuss the City Council, where speech is respected by everyone, submit these proposals to the deliberations and vote of Councillors and that for each folder.

We expect all your proposals for Elincourt, pending the pleasure to meet.

Regards, Alain BERTRAND